By-Laws of the Condominium of the Premises Known as
Chatham in Chelsea, 445 West 19th Street, New York, New York
Article 1
Section 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of these By-Laws is to set forth the rules and procedures concerning the conduct of the affairs of the Condominium. The Condominium covers the Property, which consists of: (i) the Land, which lies in Block 717, Lot 10 on the Tax Map of the Borough of Manhattan, City, County, and State of New York; (ii) the Building, which includes, without limitation, the Units and the Common Elements; (iii) all easements, rights and appurtenances belonging thereto; and (iv) all other property, real, personal, or mixed, intended for use in connection therewith. The Property has been submitted to the provisions of Article 9-B of the New York Real Property Law, as amended, commonly known as the New York Condominium Act by the recording of the Declaration in the Register’s Office, of which Declaration these By-Laws form a part.
Section 1.2 Definitions. All capitalized terms used in these By-Laws that are not otherwise defined in any of the Articles hereof shall have the meanings set forth in Exhibit C to the Declaration, unless the context in which the same are used shall otherwise require. All capitalized terms used in these By-Laws that are defined in any of the Articles hereof shall have the meanings ascribed to them in such Articles, unless the context in which the same are used shall otherwise require. Each of the aforedescribed capitalized terms shall be applicable to singular and to plural nouns, as well as to verbs of any tense.
Section 1.3 Applicability of By-Laws. These By-Laws are applicable to the Property and to the use and occupancy thereof.
Section 1.4 Application of By-Laws. All present and future Unit Owners, mortgagees, lessees, sublessees and occupants of Units, and employees and guests of Unit Owners, as well as all other Persons who may use the Property, are and shall be subject to the Declaration, these By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations, as each of the same may be amended from time to time. The acceptance of a deed or other instrument of conveyance, or the succeeding to title to, or the execution of a lease or sublease for, or the act of occupancy of, a Unit shall constitute an agreement that the provisions of the Declaration, these By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations, as each of the same may be amended from time to time, are accepted, ratified and will be complied with.
Section 1.5 Principal Office of the Condominium. The principal office of the Condominium shall be located either at the Property or at such other place in the Borough of Manhattan reasonably convenient thereto as may be designated from time to time by the Condominium Board.
Article 2
Board of Managers
Section 2.1 General. As more particularly set forth in Sections 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 hereof, the affairs of the Condominium shall be governed by the Condominium Board. In exercising its powers and performing its duties under the Declaration and these By-Laws, the Condominium Board shall act as, and shall be, the agent of the Unit Owners, subject to, and in accordance with, the terms of the Declaration and these By-Laws.
Section 2.2 Status of the Condominium Board. Unless and until the Condominium Board shall incorporate in accordance with the terms of Section 2.4 hereof, the Condominium Board shall have, to the extent permitted by Law, the status conferred upon unincorporated associations under, or pursuant to, the terms of the General Association Law of the State of New York. If the Condominium Board shall incorporate in accordance with the terms of Section 2.4 hereof, the Condominium Board shall have, to the extent permitted by Law, the status conferred upon it under, or pursuant to, the terms of the applicable statutes of the State of New York. In either event, however, the Condominium Board shall also have the status conferred upon it under, or pursuant to, the terms of the Condominium Act.
Section 2.3 Principal Office of the Condominium Board. The principal office of the Condominium Board shall be located either at the Property or at such other place in the Borough of Manhattan reasonably convenient thereto as may be designated from time to time by the Condominium Board.
Section 2.4 Powers and Duties of the Condominium Board. (A) The Condominium Board shall have all of the powers and duties necessary for, or incidental to, the administration of the affairs of the Condominium, provided, however, that the Condominium Board shall not have such powers and duties that by Law, or pursuant to the terms of the Declaration and these By-Laws, may not be delegated to the Condominium Board by the Unit Owners. Without intention to limit the generality of the foregoing in any respect, the Condominium Board shall have the following specific powers and duties:
(i) to operate, maintain, repair, restore, add to, improve, alter and replace the Common Elements, including, without limitation, as the Condominium Board shall deem necessary or proper in connection therewith: (a) the purchase and leasing of supplies, equipment and material and (b) the employment, compensation and dismissal of personnel;
(ii) to acquire, in the name of the Condominium Board or its designee, corporate or otherwise, and on behalf of the Unit Owners, all rights titles and interest in real and personal property deemed necessary or proper by the Condominium Board for use in connection with the ownership and operation of the Property as a residential condominium;
(iii) to maintain complete and accurate books and records with respect to the finances and the operation of the Condominium, including, without limitation: (a) detailed accounts, in chronological order, of receipts and expenditures affecting the Property; (b) detailed books of account of the Condominium Board; (c) other financial records, as well as other books of account of the Condominium, as may be required to be kept pursuant to the terms of these By-Laws, and (d) minutes and other records of all meetings held pursuant to the terms of these By-Laws;
(iv) to prepare and adopt a budget for the Condominium for each fiscal year thereof, setting forth, without limitation: (a) a detailed accounting of the anticipated Common Expenses for the ensuing fiscal year and (b) a detailed projection of all sources and amounts of income necessary to discharge the same;
(v) to determine the amount and establish the means and methods of payment of, and to collect the Common Charges and Special Assessments from the Unit Owners;
(vi) to borrow money on behalf of the Condominium when required in connection with the operation, maintenance, repair, restoration, improvement, alteration and replacement of the Common Elements, provided, however, that: (a) the affirmative consent of at least two-thirds of the members of the Condominium Board shall be required for the borrowing of any sum in excess of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars in any one fiscal year (regardless of the balance of any loans outstanding from previous fiscal years); (b) the affirmative consent of at least two-thirds, both in number and in aggregate Common Interests, of all Unit Owners shall be required for the borrowing of any sum in excess of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars in any one fiscal year (regardless of the balance of any loans outstanding from previous fiscal years); (c) no lien to secure repayment of any sum borrowed may be created on any Unit or its Appurtenant Interests without the consent of such Unit Owner; and (d) the documentation executed in connection with any such borrowing shall provide that, if any sum borrowed by the Condominium Board pursuant to this subparagraph (vi) shall not be repaid by the Condominium Board, any Unit Owner who pays to the creditor thereunder such proportion of the then outstanding indebtedness represented or secured thereby as such Unit Owner’s Common Interest bears to the aggregate Common Interests of all Unit owners shall be entitled to obtain from the creditor a release of any judgment or other lien that the said creditor shall have filed, or shall have the right to file, against such Unit Owner’s Unit;
(vii) to open and maintain bank accounts on behalf of the Condominium and to designate the signatories required therefor;
(viii) to use the Common Charges and Special Assessments collected from Unit Owners, as well as other funds held by the Condominium Board or received in connection with the operation of the Property, for the administration of the Condominium, including, without limitation: (a) the payment of Common Expenses and (b) the making of restorations, additions, alterations and improvements to the Common Elements; to accumulate funds for use as a reserve fund for capital replacements or other purposes;
(ix) to obtain insurance for the Property, including the Units, pursuant to the terms of Section 5.4 hereof;
(x) to adjust and settle claims under insurance policies obtained pursuant to the terms of Section 5.4 hereof, and to execute and deliver releases upon such adjustment and settlement on behalf of: (a) all Unit Owners; (b) all holders of mortgages and other liens on Units; and (c) all holders of any other interest in the Property;
(xi) to make, or to contract with others for the making of, repairs, maintenance, additions and improvements to, and alterations, restorations and replacements of, the Property after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty, or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings, all in accordance with the terms of these By-Laws;
(xii) to obtain and keep in force officers’ and Condominium Board Members’ liability insurance, in amounts deemed appropriate by the Condominium Board, but in no event less than five hundred thousand ($500,000) dollars, for all members of the Condominium Board and all officers of the Condominium and the premiums on all such insurance shall constitute a part of the Common Expenses;
(xiii) to accept the surrender of any Unit pursuant to the terms of paragraph (C) of Section 6.2 hereof, in the name of the Condominium Board or its designee, corporate or otherwise, and on behalf of all Unit Owners;
(xiv) to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire Units offered for sale or lease by their owners, in the name of the Condominium Board or its designee, corporate or otherwise, and on behalf of all Unit Owners;
(xv) to purchase Units at foreclosure or other judicial sales, in the name of the Condominium Board or its designee, corporate or otherwise, and on behalf of all Unit Owners;
(xvi) to sell, lease, mortgage and otherwise deal with Units acquired by, and to sublease Units leased by, the Condominium Board or its designee, corporate or otherwise, on behalf of all Unit Owners, provided, however, that the Condominium Board or its designees shall in no event be entitled to vote the votes appurtenant to any such Unit;
(xvii) to adopt and amend the Rules and Regulations and to levy and collect fines against Unit Owners excluding Sponsor and any Sponsor-designee and any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor for violation of the same (no fine may exceed twenty-five ($25) dollars for any one violation, but, for each day a violation continues after notice, it shall be considered a separate violation);
(xviii) to enforce by legal means the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the Condominium Documents and to bring or defend against any proceedings that may be instituted on behalf of, or against, the Unit Owners;
(xix) to incorporate, to the extent and in the manner provided in the Condominium Act, provided, however, that: (a) the certificate of incorporation and By-Laws of any such resulting corporation shall conform as closely as practicable to the terms of the Declaration and these By-Laws and (b) the terms of the Declaration and these By-Laws shall prevail in the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the terms thereof and the terms of such certificate of incorporation and By-Laws;
(xx) to organize corporations to act as the designees of the Condominium Board in acquiring title to, or leasing of, Units and in acquiring rights, titles and interests in real and personal property for use in connection with the ownership and operation of the Property as a residential condominium;
(xxi) to execute, acknowledge and deliver: (a) any declaration or other instrument affecting the Property that the Condominium Board deems necessary or appropriate to comply with any Law applicable to the maintenance, demolition, construction, alteration, repair, or restoration of the Building and (b) any consent, covenant, restriction, easement, or declaration affecting the Property that the Condominium Board deems necessary or appropriate;
(xxii) to prepare, execute, acknowledge and record on behalf of all Unit Owners, as their attorney in fact, coupled with an interest, a restatement of the Declaration or these By-Laws, whenever, in the Condominium Board’s estimation, it is advisable to consolidate and restate all amendments, modifications, additions and deletions theretofore made to the same; and
(xxiii) to carry out any other duties imposed upon the Condominium Board pursuant to the Declaration and these By-Laws.
(B) The Condominium Board shall be responsible for carrying out the duties imposed upon it under the Condominium Documents regardless of whether a Unit is vacant or occupied by the owner thereof or by a permitted lessee or other permitted occupant.
Section 2.5 Certain Limitations on the Powers of the Condominium Board.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these By-Laws, until Sponsor or Sponsor-designees convey title to all Units, but in no event later than five (5) years after the date of the First Unit Closing, Sponsor hasthe right to veto any action of the Condominium Board to (i) make any addition, alteration, improvement or change in or to the Common Elements, any Unit or the Building, (ii) assess any Common Charges for the creation of, addition to or replacement of all or part of a reserve, contingency or surplus fund, (iii) hire or replace any employee, (iv) enter into any service or maintenance contract, (v) borrow money on behalf of the Condominium, or (vi) exercise a right of first refusal to lease or purchase a Unit; provided, however, that Sponsor may not veto any action described in items (i) through (vi) above if such action is necessary to enable the Condominium Board or Unit Owner to comply with laws, rules or regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Condominium and no other alternative is available after a discussion of the alternatives were considered at a meeting in which Sponsor was present, and further provided that Sponsor’s veto is delivered by written notice within ten (10) days after Sponsor has notice of the proposed action.
Section 2.6 Exercise and Delegation of Powers and Duties. (A) Any act within the power of the Condominium Board to perform, and deemed necessary or desirable to be performed by the Condominium Board, shall be performed by the Condominium Board or shall be performed on its behalf and at its direction by the agents, employees, or designees of the Condominium Board.
(B) The Condominium Board may appoint an Executive Committee by duly adopted resolution, which Executive Committee shall have, and may exercise, all of the powers of the Condominium Board, subject to both the exceptions and limitations contained in paragraph (D) of this Section 2.6 and such additional exceptions and limitations as the Condominium Board may from time to time deem appropriate, during the intervals between the meetings of the Condominium Board. In addition, the Condominium Board may from time to time appoint, by duly adopted resolutions, such other committees as the Condominium Board may deem appropriate to perform such duties and services as the Condominium Board shall direct, each of which committees shall have, and may exercise, all of the powers delegated to it in its enabling resolution, subject, however, to the exceptions and limitations contained in paragraph (D) of this Section 2.6. The Executive Committee and each other committee shall consist of three or more members of the Condominium Board, at least one of whom shall be a member designated by Sponsor for so long as Sponsor shall have the right to designate or elect one or more members of the Condominium Board.
(C) The Condominium Board may employ a Managing Agent to serve at a compensation to be established by the Condominium Board and to perform such duties and services as the Condominium Board shall direct. Subject to the exceptions and limitations contained in paragraph (D) of this Section 2.6, the Condominium Board may delegate to the Managing Agent any of the powers granted to the Condominium Board in these By-Laws.
(D) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 2.6, the Executive Committee and the Managing Agent shall neither have nor be entitled to exercise, and the Condominium Board shall not delegate to either of them or to any other committee, the powers or duties described in subparagraphs (ii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (x), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii), (xix), (xx) and (xxi) of paragraph (A) of Section 2.4 hereof. In addition, neither the Managing Agent nor any of the committees described in Subsection (B) of this Section 2.6 shall have, or be entitled to exercise, any of the powers of the Condominium Board, except to the extent permitted by Law.
Section 2.7 Number, Election and Qualification of Members. Until the first annual meeting of the Unit Owners held pursuant to the terms of Section 4.1 hereof, the Condominium Board shall consist of three individuals to be designated from time to time by Sponsor. From and after the first annual meeting of the Unit Owners, the Condominium Board shall consist of nine individuals to be elected by the Unit Owners or designated by Sponsor or its designee pursuant to the terms of Section 4.9 hereof. The number of members of the Condominium Board may not be increased without the consent of Sponsor or Sponsor-designees as owners of Unsold Units for so long as there remains two residential Unsold Units. Except for members designated by Sponsor or its designee pursuant to the terms of this Section 2.7 or of Section 2.10 or Section 4.9 hereof, all members of the Condominium Board shall be either: (i) individual Unit Owners; (ii) individual Permitted Mortgagees; (iii) officers, directors, shareholders, partners, principals, employees, or beneficiaries of corporations, partnerships, fiduciaries, or any other entities that are Unit Owners or Permitted Mortgagees; or (iv) adult Family Members of any of the foregoing. However, no Unit Owner may be elected to serve on the Condominium Board if the Condominium Board has perfected a lien against such Unit Owner’s Unit and the amount necessary to release such lien has not been paid at the time of such election. Other than members designated by Sponsor and Sponsor-designees, no member shall continue to serve on the Condominium Board after he or she ceases to be a Unit Owner or an interested party in a Unit Owner, as specified above.
Section 2.8 Term of Office of Members. The term of office of the three members of the Condominium Board designated by Sponsor prior to the first annual meeting of the Unit owners shall expire when the nine individuals to be elected or designated at such meeting are so elected or designated and qualified. The term of office of each of the nine individuals elected or designated and qualified at the first annual meeting of the Unit Owners shall be fixed at such meeting as follows: (i) as to three of such members, at a term of office of three years; (ii) as to three of such members, at a term of office of two years; and (iii) as to three of such members, at a term of office of one year. With respect to the foregoing, those members receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for the longest terms of office, but any members designated by Sponsor or its designee pursuant to the terms of Section 4.9 hereof shall serve for the shortest terms of office. At each annual meeting of the Unit owners subsequent to the first such meeting, three members of the Condominium Board shall be elected or designated pursuant to the terms of Section 4.9 hereof to serve a term of office fixed at three years. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 2.8, however, each member of the Condominium Board shall serve until his or her successor shall be elected or designated and qualified. There shall be no limit on the number of terms of office, successive or otherwise, that a member of the Condominium Board may serve.
Section 2.9 Removal and Resignation of Members. (A) Any member of the Condominium Board who was elected thereto either by the Unit Owners, pursuant to the terms of Section 4.9 hereof, or by the Condominium Board, pursuant to the terms of Section 2.10 hereof, may be removed from office, with or without cause, by a vote of a Majority in Common Interest of Unit Owners. Any member of the Condominium Board who was designated as such by Sponsor or its designee, pursuant to the terms of,Section 2.7, 2.10, or 4.9 hereof, may be removed, with or without cause, only by Sponsor and Sponsor-designees, by giving written notice thereof to the Condominium Board. Any member of the Condominium Board whose proposed removal is to be acted upon at a meeting of the Unit Owners shall be given prior written notice thereof and an opportunity to be present and heard thereat.
(B) Any member of the Condominium Board may resign his or her membership at any time by giving written notice thereof to the Condominium Board and, with respect to any member of the Condominium Board designated as such by Sponsor and Sponsor-designees, to Sponsor and Sponsor-designees. In addition, any member of the Condominium Board who shall cease to be qualified for membership pursuant to the terms of Section 2.7 hereof shall be deemed to have resigned his or her membership effective as of the date upon which such qualification shall cease.
Section 2.10 Vacancies. (A) Any vacancy on the Condominium Board that is caused by the removal, resignation, or death of a member who was elected thereto by the Unit owners shall be filled by an individual who is qualified to be a member pursuant to the terms of Section 2.7 hereof and who is elected by a vote of the majority of the members of the Condominium Board then in office. A special meeting of the Condominium Board shall be held for the purpose of filling any such vacancy promptly after the occurrence thereof, and the election held thereat shall be effective to fill such vacancy even if the number of members present at such meeting shall not constitute a quorum.
(B) Any vacancy on the Condominium Board that is caused by the removal, resignation, or death of a member who was designated as such by Sponsor and Sponsor-designees shall be filled by an individual designated by Sponsor and Sponsor-designees.
(C) Each member of the Condominium Board who is elected thereto or designated as such to fill a vacancy pursuant to the terms of paragraph (A) or (B), respectively, of this Section 2.10 shall serve as a member of the Condominium Board for the remainder of the term of the member he or she replaced and until his or her successor shall be elected or designated and qualified at the appropriate annual meeting of the Unit Owners pursuant to the terms of Section 4.9 hereof.
Section 2.11 Organizational Meeting of the Condominium Board. The first meeting of the Condominium Board following each annual meeting of the Unit Owners shall be held within ten days of such annual meeting, at such time and place in the Borough of Manhattan as shall be both fixed informally by a majority of the members of the Condominium Board and designated in a written notice given to all members thereof by personal delivery, mail, or telegram not later than five business days prior to such date.
Section 2.12 Regular Meetings of the Condominium Board. Regular meetings of the Condominium Board may be held at such time and place in the Borough of Manhattan as shall be determined from time to time by a majority of the members thereof, provided that at least four such meetings shall be held during each fiscal year. Written notice of all regular meetings of the Condominium Board shall be given to each member thereof by personal delivery, mail, or telegram at least five business days prior to the day named for such meeting.
Section 2.13 Special Meetings of the Condominium Board. The President may call a special meeting of the Condominium Board whenever he or she deems the same to be necessary or desirable. However, the President shall call such a meeting upon the written request of three or more members of the Condominium Board. Written notice of all special meetings shall be given to each member thereof by personal delivery, mail, or telegram at least five business days prior to the day named for such meeting, which notice shall state the time, place (in the Borough of Manhattan) and purpose of the meeting.
Section 2.14 Waiver of Notice of Meetings. Any member of the Condominium Board may, at any time, waive notice of any meeting thereof in writing, and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of notice. Attendance by a member of the Condominium Board at any meeting there shall constitute a waiver by him or her of notice of the time and place thereof. If all of the members of the Condominium Board are present at any meeting thereof, no notice of such meeting shall be required and any business may be transacted at such meeting.
Section 2.15 Quorum of the Condominium Board. For purposes of all meetings of the Condominium Board, a majority of the members thereof shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In connection therewith, one or more members of the Condominium Board may participate in any meeting thereof by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment permitting all individuals participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time, and such participation shall constitute presence at such a meeting for all purposes. If, at any meeting of the Condominium Board, there shall be less than a quorum present, a majority of the members of the Condominium Board in attendance may adjourn the meeting from time to time. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business that might have been transacted at the meeting originally called but for lack of a quorum may be transacted without further notice.
Section 2.16 Conduct of Meetings. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Condominium Board, and the Secretary shall faithfully record the minutes thereof, which minutes shall include the full text of all resolutions duly adopted by the Condominium Board and a record of all transactions and proceedings occurring thereat. The then current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, or any other rules of procedure from time to time acceptable to a majority of the Condominium Board, shall govern the conduct of the meetings of the Condominium Board unless the same shall be in conflict with the terms of the Declaration, these By-Laws, or the Condominium Act.
Section 2.17 Decisions by the Condominium Board. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Declaration or these By-Laws, the vote of a majority of the members of the Condominium Board present at a meeting thereof at which a quorum is present shall constitute the decision of the Condominium Board. Alternatively, any decision that is required or permitted to be made by the Condominium board may be made without a meeting thereof if all of the members of the Condominium Board shall individually or collectively consent in writing to such decision, and all such written consents shall be duly filed by the Secretary of the Condominium in the minutes of the Condominium.
Section 2.18 Compensation of Members. No member of the Condominium Board shall receive any compensation from the Condominium for acting as such.
Section 2.19 Common or Interested Members of the Condominium Board. Each member of the Condominium Board shall perform his or her duties, and shall exercise his or her powers, in good faith and with a view to the interests of the Condominium. To the extent permitted by Law, no contract or other transaction between the Condominium Board and either (i) any of its members or (ii) any corporation, partnership, fiduciary, firm, association, or other entity in which any of the members of the Condominium Board are officers, directors, employees, partners, fiduciaries, beneficiaries, or principals, or are otherwise interested, pecuniarily or otherwise, shall be deemed either void or voidable because either (a)-any such member of the Condominium Board was present at the meeting or meetings of the Condominium Board during which such contract or transaction was discussed, authorized, approved, or ratified, or (b) the vote of any such member was counted for such purpose, provided, however, that the fact thereof is disclosed to, or known by, the Condominium Board or a majority of the members thereof or noted in the minutes thereof, and the Condominium Board shall authorize, approve, or ratify such contract or transaction in good faith by a vote of two-thirds of the entire Condominium Board, not counting the vote of such members;
Any such member of the Condominium Board may be counted in determining the presence of a quorum of any meeting of the Condominium Board that authorizes, approves, or ratifies any such contract or transaction, but no such member shall be entitled to vote thereat to authorize, approve, or ratify such contract or transaction.
Section 2.20 Liability of the Condominium Board. (A) The members of the Condominium Board shall have no liability to the Unit Owners for errors of judgment, negligence, or otherwise, except that each member of the Condominium Board shall be liable thereto for his or her own bad faith or willful misconduct. In connection therewith, any member of the Condominium Board designated as such by Sponsor and Sponsor-designees shall not be deemed either to be in bad faith or to have committed willful misconduct by reason of any self-dealing in connection with any contract made, or other transaction entered into, between the Condominium Board and Sponsor or its agents, provided that any compensation paid, or to be paid, to Sponsor or its agents in connection with any such contract or transaction is disclosed in the Plan or an amendment thereto or is at competitive rates for goods sold or services rendered in the Borough of Manhattan.
(B) Every contract made, and other document executed, by or on behalf of the Condominium Board, any committee thereof, or the Managing Agent shall expressly state (if obtainable and in addition to the limitation of liability of the officers of the Condominium and the Unit Owners pursuant to the terms of Section 3.10 and 4.12 hereof, respectively) that the same is made or executed by or on behalf of the Condominium Board, such committee, or the Managing Agent solely as agent for the Unit Owners and that the members of the Condominium Board of such committee or the Managing Agent shall have no liability thereon, except to the extent of their liability, if any, as Unit Owners pursuant to the terms of Section 4.12 hereof.
(C) Neither the Condominium Board no any member thereof shall be liable for either:
(i) any failure or interruption of any utility or other services to be obtained by, or on behalf of, the Condominium Board or to be paid for as a Common Expense; or
(ii) any injury, loss, or damage to any individual or property, occurring in or upon either a unit or the Common Elements, and either: (a) caused by the element, by any Unit Owner, or by any other Person; (b) resulting form electricity, water, snow or ice that may leak or flow from a Unit or any portion of the Common Elements; or (c) arising out of theft or otherwise.
(D) The Unit ower shall severally indemnify and hold each member of the Condominium Board harmless from and against any claim or liability to others arising from his or her acts or omissions as, or by reason of the fact that such individual is or was, a member of the Condominium Board, except, however, to the extent that such claim or liability shall be due to, o-shall arise out of, the bad faith or willful misconduct of such member. The liability of each Unit Owner on account of such indemnification will be limited to the extent specified in Section 4.12 hereof.
Article 3
Section 3.1 General. The principal officers of the Condominium shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Condominium Board may appoint an Assistant Treasurer, an Assistant Secretary and such other officers as in its discretion may be necessary or desirable. All agreements, contracts, deeds, leases, checks and other instruments of the Condominium shall be executed, upon the direction of the Condominium Board, by any two officers of the Condominium or by such lesser number of officers or by such other Person or Persons as may be designated from time to time by the Condominium Board.
Section 3.2 President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Condominium and shall preside at all meetings of the Unit Owners and of the Condominium Board. The President shall have all of the general powers and duties that are incident to the office of president of a stock corporation organized under the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York (hereinafter referred to as the “BCL”), including, but not limited to, the power to appoint the members of all committees created by the Condominium Board from amongst the Unit Owners from time to time as he or she may decide, in his or her discretion, are appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Condominium.
Section 3.3 Vice President. The Vice President shall take the place of the President and perform his or her duties whenever the President shall be absent or unable to act. If both the President and the Vice President are unable to act, the Condominium Board shall appoint some other member of the Condominium Board to act in the place of the President on an interim basis. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as shall be imposed upon him or her from time to time by the Condominium Board or by the President.
Section 3.4 Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Unit Owners and of the Condominium Board. The Secretary shall have charge of such books and papers as the Condominium Board shall direct and, in general, shall perform all of the duties that are incident to the office of secretary of a stock corporation organized under the BCL.
Section 3.5 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of the funds and securities of the Condominium and shall be responsible for keeping full and accurate financial records and books of account thereof, showing all receipts and disbursements necessary for the preparation of all required financial data. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the deposit of all funds and other securities in the name of the Condominium Board or in the name of the Managing Agent in such depositories as may from time to time be designated by the Condominium Board and, in general, shall perform all of the duties incident to the office of treasurer of a stock corporation organized under the BCL.
Section 3.6 Election, Term of Office and Qualifications of Officers. Each of the officers of the Condominium Board shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the Condominium Board taken at the organizational meeting of each new Condominium Board, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Condominium Board. The President and the Vice President shall be elected from amongst the members of the Condominium Board. The other officers of the Condominium, however, need not be Unit owners or members of the Condominium Board and need not have any interest in the Condominium.
Section 3.7 Removal and Resignation of Officers. Any officer of the Condominium may be removed from office, with or without cause, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Condominium Board at a meeting called for such purpose. In addition, any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Condominium Board. Finally, if the President or the Vice President of the Condominium shall cease to be a member of the Condominium Board during his or her term of office, such officer shall be deemed to have resigned his or her office effective upon the date upon which his or her membership shall cease.
Section 3.8 Vacancies. Any vacancy in an office shall be filled by a majority vote of the Condominium Board at any regular meeting of the Condominium Board or at a special meeting thereof called for such purpose.
Section 3.9 Compensation of Officers. No officer of the Condominium shall receive any compensation from the Condominium for acting as such.
Section 3.10 Liability of the Officers of the Condominium. (A) The officers of the Condominium shall have no liability to the Unit Owners for errors of judgment, negligence, or otherwise, except that each officer of the Condominium shall be liable thereto for his or her own bad faith or willful misconduct. In addition, every contract made, and other document executed, by one or more officers or other Persons on behalf of the Condominium shall expressly state (if obtainable and in addition to the limitation of liability of the members of the Condominium Board and the Unit owners pursuant to the terms of Sections 2.20 and 4.12 hereof, respectively) that the same is made or executed by such officers or Persons on behalf of the Condominium solely as agent for the Unit Owners and that such officers or Persons shall have no liability thereon, except to the extent of their liability, if any, as Unit Owners pursuant to the terms of Section 4.12 hereof.
(B) None of the officers of the Condominium shall be liable for either:
(i) any failure or interruption of any utility or other services to be obtained by any such officer on behalf of the Condominium or to be paid for as a Common Expense; or
(ii) any injury, loss, or damage to any individual or property, occurring in or upon either a Unit or the Common Elements, and either: (a) caused by the elements, by any Unit owner, or by any other Person; (b) resulting from electricity, water, snow, or ice that may leak or flow from a Unit or any portion of the Common Elements; or (c) arising out of theft or otherwise.
(C) The Unit Owners shall jointly and severally indemnify and hold each officer of the Condominium harmless from and against any claim or liability to others arising from his or her acts or omissions as, or by reason of the fact that such individual is or was, an officer of the Condominium, except, however, to the extent that such claim or liability shall be due to, or shall arise out of, the bad faith or willful misconduct of such officer.
Article 4
Unit Owners
Section 4.1 Annual Meetings of the Unit Owners. The first annual meeting of the Unit Owners shall be held approximately one year after the First Unit Closing, at which meeting the incumbent three-member Condominium Board shall resign and a successor ninemember Condominium Board shall be elected by the Unit Owners and designated by Sponsor or its designee, as provided both in this Article 4 and in Article 2 hereof. Thereafter, annual meetings of the Unit Owners shall be held on or about the last Tuesday in April of each year, unless such date shall occur on a legal holiday, in which event the meeting will be held on or about the succeeding business day. At each such subsequent meeting, the Unit owners shall elect or the Sponsor or its designee shall designate, as the case may be, successors to the three members of the Condominium Board whose term of office expires on the day of such meeting and shall transact such other business as may properly come before such meeting.
Section 4.2 Special Meetings of the Unit Owners. The President shall call a special meeting of the Unit Owners whenever so directed by a duly adopted resolution of the Condominium Board or upon receipt by the Secretary of a petition calling for such a meeting signed by Unit owners having, in the aggregate, not less than 50% of the Common Interests of all Unit Owners. Each such resolution or petition shall set forth, in reasonable detail, the purposes for calling such a meeting, and no business shall be transacted at such special meeting except business reasonably related to such stated purposes.
Section 4.3 Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Unit owners shall be held at the principal office of the Condominium or at such other suitable and convenient place in the Borough of Manhattan as may be designated by the Condominium Board.
Section 4.4 Notice of Meetings. (A) The Secretary of the Condominium shall give written notice of each annual or special meeting of the Unit Owners to all Unit Owners then of record entitled to vote or designate members of the Condominium Board at such meeting, which notice shall set forth the purpose, time and place of such meeting. Such notice may be given to any Unit Owner by personal delivery, mail, or telegram not later than ten business days prior to the day fixed for the meeting; however, the mailing of such notice to any Unit owner, addressed to’his or her address at the Property, at least fifteen days prior to the day fixed for the meeting shall be conclusively deemed the giving of notice to such Unit Owner of such meeting. Any Unit Owner may designate an address for the giving of notice other than such Unit Owner’s address at the Property by giving written notice thereof to the Secretary of the Condominium not less than fifteen days prior to the giving of notice of the applicable meeting.
(B) If the Business to be conducted at any meeting of the Unit Owners shall include the consideration of a proposed amendment to the Declaration or to these By-Laws, the notice of such meeting shall be mailed to all Unit Owners at least 30 days prior to the day fixed for such meeting and shall be accompanied by a copy of the text of such proposed amendment.
Section 4.5 Quorum of the Unit Owners. Except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws, the presence, in person or by proxy, of Unit Owners owning units to which more than 50% of the aggregate Common Interests appertain shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Unit Owners. If, at any meeting of the Unit Owners, there shall be less than a quorum present, a majority in Common Interests of the Unit Owners present at such meeting, either in person or by proxy, may adjourn the meeting to a time not less than 48 hours from the time fixed for the original meeting.
Section 4.6 Conduct of Meetings. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Unit Owners, and the Secretary shall faithfully record the minutes thereof, which minutes shall include the full text of all resolutions duly adopted by the Unit Owners and a record of all transactions and proceedings occurring thereat. The then current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, or any other rules of procedure acceptable to a majority of the Unit Owners present at any meeting, in person or by proxy, shall govern the conduct of the meetings of the Unit Owners, unless the same shall be in conflict with the terms of the Declaration, these ByLaws, or the Condominium Act. All votes of the Unit Owners shall be tallied by the persons appointed by the presiding officer of the meeting.
Section 4.7 Order of Business. The order of business at all meetings of the Unit Owners shall be as follows:
(i) Roll call;
(ii) Proof of notice of meeting;
(iii) Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting (unless waived);
(iv) Reports of officers of the Condominium;
(v) Reports of members of the Condominium Board;
(vi) Reports of committees;
(vii) Election of inspectors of election (when so required);
(viii) Election and designation of members of the Condominium Board (when so required); and
(ix) Unfinished business.
Section 4.8 Voting. (A) Subject to the terms of Section 4.9 hereof, each Unit Owner (including Sponsor or its designee, for so long as Sponsor or such designee shall own one or more Unsold Units) shall be entitled to cast one vote at all meetings of the Unit Owners for each .0001% of Common Interest attributable to his or her Unit(s).
(B) Notwithstanding the terms contained in paragraph (A) hereof, no Unit Owner may vote at any meeting of the Unit owners if the Condominium Board has perfected a lien against such Unit Owner’s Unit and the amount necessary to release such lien has not been paid at the time of such meeting. In addition, neither the Condominium Board nor any designee thereof shall be entitled to vote the Common Interest appurtenant to any Unit owned by the Condominium Board or such designee. The Common Interests of all Units whose owners are precluded from voting pursuant to the terms of this paragraph (B) will be excluded when computing the aggregate Common Interests of all Unit Owners for voting purposes.
(C) A fiduciary shall be the voting member with respect to a Unit owned in a fiduciary capacity. In addition, if two or more Persons own a Unit, they shall designate one Person amongst them to vote the Common Interest appurtenant to their Unit in a writing given to the Secretary of the Condominium, and the vote of such designee shall be binding upon all of such Persons. Failing such a designation, all of such Persons shall mutually vote such Common Interest under one ballot without division, and the concurrence of all such Persons shall be conclusively presumed if any one of them purports to vote such Common Interest without protest being contemporaneously made to the individual presiding over the meeting at which such vote is taken. If protest is made, the common Interest appurtenant to such Unit shall be counted solely for the purpose of determining whether a quorum is present for such voting.
(D) The owner(s) of any Unit may designate any Person to act as a proxy on his or her behalf. The designation of any such proxy shall be made in a writing both signed and dated by the designer and delivered to the Secretary of the Condominium at or before the appointed time for the meeting(s) during which the same is to be effective. Any such designation shall be revocable at any time upon written notice given to the Secretary of the Condominium; however, no revocation of such a designation shall be effective with respect to any votes cast by such proxy prior to the receipt of such revocation notice by the Secretary of the Condominium or, if such revocation is made at a meeting of the Unit Owners during which the Secretary of the Condominium is not in , attendance, by the individual acting as the secretary of such meeting. Except with respect to the designation of a Permitted Mortgagee to act as the proxy of its mortgagor(s), no designation to act as a proxy shall be effective for a period in excess of six months after the date thereof.
(E) Except when otherwise required by Law or otherwise provided in the Declaration or in these By-Laws, the affirmative vote of a Majority of Unit Owners shall be binding upon all Unit Owners for all purposes.
Section 4.9 Election of Members of the Condominium Board. (A) Sponsor and Sponsor-designees shall have the right to vote the Common Interests attributable to Units owned by Sponsor and Sponsor-designees for members of the Condominium Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sponsor and Sponsor-designees shall not control the Condominium Board after five (5) years from the date of the First Unit Closing.
(B) In addition to the right of Sponsor and Sponsor-designees under paragraph (A) above, so long as the Common Interests attributable to any Units owned by Sponsor or Sponsor-designees equals, in the aggregate 15% or more of the Common Interests of all Units, Sponsor and Sponsor-designees shall have the right to designate one member of the Condominium Board. Sponsor and Sponsor-designees may waive such right in writing.
(C) Each Unit Owner entitled to vote for members of the Condominium Board pursuant to this Section 4.9 shall be entitled to cast one vote for each .0001% of Common Interest attributable to his or her Unit(s) per member to be elected. However, nothing contained herein shall be deemed either to permit any Unit Owner to cumulate the votes attributable to the ownership of any one Unit in favor of any one or more members to be elected. In addition, the terms of paragraphs (A) and (B) of Section 4.8 hereof shall apply to all elections Of members of the Condominium Board.
(D) All elections of members of the Condominium Board shall be by written ballot, and each ballot cast shall state: (i) the name of the voting Unit Owner and, if such ballot is cast by proxy, the name of the proxy; (ii) the designation number(s) of the Unit(s) owned by the voting Unit Owner; (iii) the amount of the Common Interest(s) appurtenant to such Unit(s); and (iv) the names of the candidates for whom such ballot is cast (the number of which names shall not exceed the number of members to be elected). Any ballot that is not cast in conformity with this paragraph (D) shall be discounted. All election ballots shall be retained in the records of the Condominium, appropriately segregated by election.
(E) All elections of members of the Condominium Board shall be determined by plurality vote.
Section 4.10 Action Without a Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Unit Owners at a duly constituted meeting may be taken without such a meeting if Unit owners, sufficient in number (both in absolute number and in aggregate Common Interests) to approve such an action at a duly constituted meeting of the Unit Owners pursuant to the Declaration or to these By-Laws consent in writing to the adoption of a resolution approving such action. All written consents given by Unit Owners pursuant to this Section 4.10 shall be retained in the records of the Condominium together with a true copy of the resolutions to which they relate.
Section 4.11 Title to Units. Title to any Unit may be taken by any Person or by any two or more Persons as joint tenants, tenants in common, or tenants by the entirety, as may be appropriate, but not as owners in severalty.
Section 4.12 Contractual Liability of Unit Owners. Every contract made by the Condominium Board, by any officer of the Condominium, or by any superintendent or Managing Agent of the Building shall state (if obtainable and in addition to the limitation of liability of the members of the Condominium Board and the officers of the Condominium pursuant to the terms of Sections 2.20 and 3.10 hereof, respectively) that the liability of any Unit owner with respect thereto shall be limited to: (1) such proportionate shares of the total liability thereunder as the Contributing Share of such Unit owner bears to the aggregate Contributing Share of all Unit owners and (ii) such Unit Owner’s interest in his or her Unit and its Appurtenant Interests, unless otherwise provided by Law.
Article 5
Operation of the Property
Section 5.1 Maintenance and Repairs. (A) Except as otherwise provided in the Declaration or in these By-Laws, all painting, decorating, maintenance, repairs and replacements, whether structural or non-structural, ordinary or extraordinary:
(i) in or to any Unit and all portions there of (including, but not limited to, the interior walls, ceilings and floors in the Unit, kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances, windows and their frames, sills and sashes, all doors (entrance, balcony, terrace and plaza, if any) and their frames and saddles (except painting the exterior side of Residential Unit entrance doors and door backs), exposed plumbing, gas and heating fixtures and equipment, air conditioning units, lighting and electrical fixtures and any General Common Elements incorporated therein pursuant to paragraph (B) of Section 5.8 hereof, but excluding any other General Common Elements contained therein) shall be performed by the owner of such Unit at such Unit Owner’s cost and expense;
(ii) in or to the General Common Elements (other than any General Common Elements incorporated into one or more Units pursuant to the terms of paragraph (B) of Section 5.8 hereof) and the painting of the exterior side of Residential Unit entrance doors and door backs shall be performed by the Condominium Board as a Common Expense; and
(iii) in or to the Limited Common Elements shall be performed (a) by the Condominium Board as a Common Expense, if involving structural or extraordinary maintenance, repairs, or replacements (including, but not limited to, the repair of any leaks that are not caused by the acts or omissions of the Unit owner having direct and exclusive access thereto) or (b) by the Unit Owner having direct and exclusive access thereto at his or her sole cost and expense, if involving nonstructural ordinary maintenance, repairs or replacements.
Promptly upon obtaining knowledge thereof, each Unit Owner shall report in writing delivered by certified mail to the Condominium Board or to the Managing Agent any defect or need for repairs for which the Condominium Board is responsible pursuant to the terms hereof. All painting, decorating, maintenance, repairs and replacements performed hereunder or otherwise, whether by or at the behest of a Unit Owner of the Condominium Board, shall be performed in such a manner as shall not unreasonably disturb or interfere with any Unit owners or the tenants and occupants of any Units.
(B) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in paragraph (A) of this Section 5.1, however, the exterior glass surfaces of all windows of each Unit are to be washed and cleaned by the owner of such Unit at such Unit Owner’s sole cost and expense. In addition, if any painting, decorating, maintenance, repairs, or replacements to the Property or any Part thereof, whether structural or nonstructural, ordinary or extraordinary, is necessitated by the negligence, misuse, or abuse of (i) any Unit Owner, the entire cost and expense thereof shall be borne by such Unit Owner, or (ii) the Condominium Board, the entire cost and expense thereof shall be borne by the Condominium Board as a Common Expense, except, in all events, to the extent that such cost and expense is covered by the proceeds of any insurance maintained pursuant to the terms of these By-Laws. Similarly, each Unit Owner shall be responsible for any and all damage to any Unit or to the Common Elements resulting from such Unit owner’s failure to maintain, repair, or replace his or her Unit or any portion thereof as required herein.
(C) Each Unit and all portions of the Common Elements shall be kept in first-class condition, order and repair (and free of snow, ice and accumulation of water with respect to any terrace, roof, or other part of the Property exposed to the elements) by the Unit Owner or the Condominium Board, whichever is responsible for the maintenance thereof as set forth herein (the cost of snow removal from public walks shall be a Common Expense and shall be the responsibility of the Condominium Board), and such Unit Owner or the Condominium Board, as the case may be, shall promptly make or perform, or cause to be made or performed, all maintenance work (including, without limitation, painting, repairs and replacements) that is necessary in connection therewith. In addition, the public areas of the Building and those areas exposed to public view shall be kept in good appearance, in conformity with the dignity and character of the Building, by (i) the Condominium Board, with respect to such parts of the Building required to be maintained by it, and (ii) each Unit owner, with respect to the interior and exterior surfaces of terraces, balconies, plazas, windows and shades, venetian or other blinds, drapes, curtains or other window decorations in or appurtenant to his or her Unit.
Section 5.2 Alterations, Additions, Improvements, or Repairs in or to the Units and Limited Common Elements. (A) A nonstructural alteration to a Residential Unit or its appurtenant Limited Common Element that does not affect the exterior of the Building or the value of other Units may be made by any Unit Owner without consent of the Condominium Board. Subject to the terms of paragraph (B) of this Section 5.2, no Unit Owner shall make any structural alteration, addition, improvement, or repair in or to his or her Unit or its appurtenant Limited Common Elements without the prior written approval of the Condominium Board. In the event, however, that the Condominium Board shall fail to answer any written, reasonably detailed request for such approval within 30 days after such request is received, such failure to respond shall constitute the Condominium Board’s consent thereto. Prior to, and as a condition of, the granting of any such approval, the Condominium Board may, at its sole option, require that all work shall be done by reputable contractors with adequate liability, property damage and workmen’s compensation insurance (certificates for which shall be delivered to the Board of Managers prior to the commencement of construction, that the Unit Owner procure and agree to maintain during the course of such work such other insurance as the Condominium Board may reasonably prescribe and to execute an agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to the Condominium Board, setting forth the terms and conditions under which such alteration, addition, improvement, or repair may be made, including, without limitation, the indemnity referred to in paragraph (D) hereof and the days and hours during which any such work may be done and that any additions shall be maintained in their entirety by said Unit Owner who shall be responsible for any repairs, including structural repairs, to such additions in any event, and to the Unit and any Common Elements where such repairs become necessary due to additional stresses caused by the structural alteration or due to improper design or construction of the structural alteration. Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, until Sponsor or Sponsor-designees convey title to all Units but in no event later than five (5) years after the date of the First Unit Closing, Sponsor has the right to veto any action of the Condominium Board relating to any addition, alteration, improvement or change in or to the Common Elements, any Unit or the Building, provided, however, Sponsor may not veto such action if (1) such action is necessary to enable the Condominium Board of Managers or Unit owner to comply with laws, rules or regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Condominium and (2) no other alternative is available after a discussion of the alternatives were considered at a meeting in which Sponsor was present, and further provided that Sponsor’s veto is delivered by written notice within ten (10) days after Sponsor has notice of the proposed action.
(B) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in paragraph (A) of this Section 5.2, however, Sponsor, any Sponsordesignee, any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor, shall have the right pursuant to the terms of Articles 16 of the Declaration, without the approval of the Condominium Board and without paying any cost or charge to the Condominium Board to (i) make any alterations, additions, improvements, or repairs in or to any Residential Units owned by them, whether structural or non-structural, interior or exterior, ordinary or extraordinary, and (ii) subdivide, combine and change the boundary walls of Residential Units owned by them.
(C) All alterations, additions, improvements and repairs by Unit Owners shall be made in compliance with Law. In connection therewith, the Condominium Board shall execute applications to any departments of the City of New York, or to any other governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof, for any and all permits required in connection with the making of alterations, additions, improvements, or repairs in or to a Unit or its appurtenant Limited Common Elements, provided that, with respect to all such work of a structural nature (but other than that of the nature described in paragraph (B) hereof), the same was approved by the Condominium Board pursuant to the terms of paragraph (A) hereof.
(D) Neither the Condominium Board nor any Unit Owner (other than the Unit Owner(s) making any alterations, improvements, additions, or repairs, or causing any of the same to be made, in or to his, her, or their Unit(s) and appurtenant Limited Common Elements) shall incur any liability, cost, or expense either (i) in connection with the preparation, execution, or submission of the applications referred to in paragraph (C) hereof; (ii) to any contractor, subcontractor, materialman, architect, or engineer on account of any alterations, improvements, additions, or repairs made or caused to be made by any Unit Owner; or (iii) to any Person asserting any claim for personal injury or property damage arising therefrom. Any Unit Owner(s) making any alterations, improvements, additions, or repairs, or causing any of the same to be made, in or to his, her, or their Unit(s) and appurtenant Limited Common Elements shall agree (in a writing executed and delivered to the Condominium Board, if the Condominium Board shall request), and shall be deemed to agree (in the absence of such writing), to indemnify and hold the Condominium Board, the members of the Condominium Board, the officers of the Condominium, the Managing Agent and all other Unit Owners harmless from and against any such liability, cost and expense.
Section 5.3 Alterations, Additions, or Improvements to the General Common Elements. Except as otherwise provided in the Declaration or in these By-Laws, all necessary or desirable alterations, additions, or improvements in or to any of the General Common Elements shall be made by the condominium Board, and the cost and expense thereof shall constitute a Common Expense.
Section 5.4 Insurance. (A) If the same shall be obtainable, the Condominium Board shall obtain, and shall maintain in full force and effect, fire insurance policies with all risk extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements, insuring the Building (including all Units, the exterior face of all walls, ceilings and floors in the Residential Units (other than those walls, ceilings and floors erected by a Unit Owner other than Sponsor) as finished by Sponsor in accordance with the section titled “Description of Property and Specifications” in the Offering Plan and all bathroom and kitchen fixtures and appliances installed therein by Sponsor but not including appliances or any furniture, fixtures, furnishings, decorations, belongings, or other personal property supplied or installed by Unit Owners or the tenants of Unit Owners) and covering the interests of the Condominium, the Condominium Board, the officers thereof, all of the Unit owners, all Permitted Mortgages, 445 West 19th Street Associates, Harvey Gessin, David Wasserman and Neon Management, Inc., as the named insured, as their interests may appear, as an additional insured. Each of the said policies shall contain:
(i) waivers of (a) subrogation, (b) any defense based upon co-insurance or other insurance, (c) invalidity arising out of any acts of the insured and (d) prorated reduction of liability;
(ii) a provision that any adjustment of loss will be made by the Condominium Board and that all proceeds thereof shall be paid to either the Condominium Board or the Insurance Trustee, as provided in Section 5.5 hereof;
(iii) a New York standard mortgagee clause in favor of each Permitted Mortgagee, which shall provide that the proceeds thereof shall be paid to such Permitted Mortgagee as its interest may appear, subject, however, to the loss payment provisions in favor of the Condominium Board and the Insurance Trustee set forth in subparagraph (ii) above and in Section 5.5 hereof; and
(iv) a provision that such policy may not be either cancelled or substantially modified except upon at least 10 days prior written notice to all of the insures, including all permitted Mortgagees.
Duplicate originals or certificates of all such policies and of all renewals thereof, together with proof of payment of premiums, shall be sent to all named insured and additional insured at least 10 days prior to the expiration of the then current policies.
(B) The Condominium Board shall also obtain and maintain, to the extent practicable:
(i) comprehensive general liability insurance, covering all claims for personal injury or property damage arising out of any occurrence on the Property (except, however, that such insurance shall not cover any liability of a Unit Owner arising from occurrences within his or her own Unit or its Limited Common Elements);
(ii) rent insurance;
(iii) boiler and machinery insurance;
(iv) water damage legal liability insurance;
(v) elevator collision insurance; and
(vi) such other insurance as the Condominium Board shall from time to time determine.
Each of the aforementioned policies of insurance shall also cover cross-liability claims of one insured against another. Each of the aforementioned policies shall name the Persons described in paragraph (A) of Section 5.4 above as the named insured, as their respective interests may appear, or additional insured (to the extent required).
(C) All policies of insurance to be maintained by the Condominium Board shall contain such limits as the Condominium Board shall from time to time determine, provided, however, that:
(i) with respect to insurance policies maintained by the Condominium Board pursuant to paragraph (A) hereof, the -overage shall be in an amount equal to the lesser of the full replacement cost of the Building, exclusive of excavation and foundations, without deduction for depreciation, or the amount of insurance necessary to avoid the effects of co-insurance as approved by a fire insurance company, a qualified insurance broker, or another qualified source (and, until the first regular meeting of the first nine-member Condominium Board elected by the Unit Owners, such coverage shall be at least in the amount of three million four hundred thousand ($3,400,000) dollars;
(ii) with respect to insurance policies maintained by the Condominium Board pursuant to subparagraph (i) of paragraph (B) hereof, such policies shall be one million ($1,000,000) dollars in the aggregate until the first regular meeting of the first ninemember Condominium Board elected by the Unit Owners and will also cover cross-liability claims of one insurer against another; and
(iii) with respect to insurance policies maintained by the Condominium Board pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (B) hereof, the coverage shall be in an amount equal to the greater of the aggregate of or all of the Unit Owners’ Common Charges for one year or $110,000.
Any insurance policies maintained by the Condominium Board may also provide for such deductible amounts as the Condominium Board shall determine. The Condominium Board shall review the limits of each insurance policy, as well as the amount of any deductible sum thereunder, at least once each year.
(D) The cost of all insurance maintained by the Condominium Board pursuant to this Section 5.4, together with the fees and disbursements of any Insurance Trustee appointed by the Condominium Board pursuant to the terms of these By-Laws, shall be borne by the Condominium Board as a Common Expense.
(E) Unit Owners shall not be prohibited from carrying and are advised to carry other insurance for their own benefit, provided that all such policies shall contain waivers of subrogation and further provided that the liability of the carriers issuing the insurance maintained by the Condominium Board shall not be affected or diminished by reason of any such additional insurance carried by any Unit Owner.
Section 5.5 Casualty or Condemnation. (A) In the event that either (i) the Building or any part thereof is damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty (hereinafter referred to as a “Casualty Loss”) or (ii) the General Common Elements or any part thereof is taken in condemnation or by eminent domain (hereinafter referred to as a “Taking”), the net insurance proceeds payable under the insurance policies maintained by the Condominium Board pursuant to the terms of Section 5.4 hereof by reason of such Casualty Loss or the net condemnation awards receivable by reason of such Taking, as the case may be, shall be payable either to the Condominium Board, if the same shall be $2,000,000 or less in the aggregate, or to the Insurance Trustee, if the same shall exceed $2,000,000 in the aggregate. In either instance, all such monies actually received (hereinafter referred to as the “Trust Funds”) shall be held in trust for the benefit of all Unit Owners and their Permitted Mortgagees and shall be disbursed pursuant to the terms of this Section 5.5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained either in this paragraph (A) or elsewhere in this Section 5.5, however, no Unit Owner whose Unit, its appurtenant Limited Common Elements, or any portion thereof are taken in condemnation or by eminent domain (whether or not all or a part of the General Common Elements are contemporaneously taken) shall be deemed to have waived whatever rights that he or she may have to pursue a separate claim against the condemning authority by reason thereof.
(B) Subject to the terms of paragraph (D) hereof, the Condominium Board shall arrange for the prompt repair or restoration (hereinafter referred to as the “Work”) of: (i) in the event of a Casualty Loss, the portion(s) of the Building (including all Units, the exposed face of all walls, ceilings and floors in the Residential Units (other than those walls, ceilings and floors erected by a Unit Owner other than Sponsor) as finished by Sponsor in accordance with the section of the Offering Plan titled “Description of Property and Specifications” and all bathroom and kitchen fixtures installed therein by Sponsor, but not including appliances or any furniture, fixtures, furnishings, decorations, belongings, or other personal property supplied or installed by either Unit Owners or the tenants of Unit Owners) affected by such Casualty Loss or (ii) in the event of a Taking, the portion(s) of the General Common Elements affected by such Taking. If, pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence, Work is to be performed in or to Units, Common Elements that service or enclose Units and other Common Elements, or any combination of the foregoing, the Work shall be performed, to the extent practicable, first, in or to the Units, next in or to the Common Elements that service or enclose Units and then in or to the balance of the Common Elements. In addition, each Unit Owner whose Unit, its appurtenant Limited Common Elements, or any portion thereof shall be the subject of all or part of any Work shall have the right, subject to the terms of Section 5.2 hereof, to supervise any reconstruction of his or her Unit and/or such Limited Common Elements.
(C) In the event that Work shall be performed pursuant to the terms of paragraphs (B) and (D) of this Section 5.5, the Condominium Board or the Insurance Trustee, as the case may be, shall disburse the Trust Funds to the contractors engaged in the Work in appropriate progress payments. If the Trust Funds shall be less than sufficient to discharge the cost and expense of performing the Work, the Condominium Board shall levy a Special Assessment against all Unit Owners for the amount of such deficiency in proportion to their respective Common Interests, and all proceeds of such Special Assessment shall become part of the Trust Funds. If, conversely, the Trust Funds shall prove to be more than sufficient to discharge the cost and expense of performing the Work, such excess shall be paid to all Unit owners in proportion to their respective Common Interests, except that no payment shall be made to a Unit Owner until there has first been paid, out of such Unit Owner’s share of such excess, such amounts as may be necessary to reduce unpaid liens on the Unit Owner’s Unit (other than mortgages that are not Permitted Mortgages) in the order of priority of such liens. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, in the event that the Unit Owners are assessed pursuant to the terms of the second sentence of this paragraph (C) for any projected deficiency in the amount of the Trust Funds available to the Condominium Board and, after the payment of all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Work, any portion of the Trust Funds remains unspent, such excess Trust Funds shall, to the extent of such Special Assessment, be deemed to be, and shall constitute, an unspent Special Assessment and shall be paid to the Unit Owners so assessed in proportion to their respective Common Interests, free of any claim of any lienor (including, without limitation, any Permitted Mortgagee).
(D) If either 75% or more of the Building is destroyed or substantially damaged by fire or other casualty or 75% or more of the General Common Elements are taken in a Taking, the Work shall not be performed unless 75% or more of all Unit Owners (including Sponsor or its designee, if Sponsor or such designee shall then own any Units), both in number and in aggregate Common Interests, shall promptly resolve to proceed with the same. In the event that a sufficient number of Unit Owners shall so resolve, the Work shall be performed pursuant to the terms of paragraphs (B) and (C) hereof. Conversely, in the event that a sufficient number of Unit Owners shall either fail or refuse to so resolve, the Work shall not be performed and the Property shall be subject to an action for partition by any Unit Owner or lienor, as if owned in common, in which event the net proceeds of the resulting sale, together with any Trust Funds, shall be paid to all Unit Owners in proportion to their respective Common Interests, except that no payment shall be made to a Unit Owner until there first has been paid, out of such Unit Owner’s share of such funds, such amounts as may be necessary to reduce unpaid liens on the Unit Owner’s Unit (other than mortgages that are not Permitted Mortgages) in the order of priority of such liens.
(E) In the event that the damage resulting from a Casualty Loss shall (i) render one or more Units wholly or partially unusable for the purposes permitted herein and in the Declaration or (ii) destroy the means of access to one or more Units, the installments of Common Charges otherwise payable by the owner of any Unit so affected thereby shall proportionately abate until such Unit shall again be rendered usable for such purposes and/or until the means of access thereto shall be restored, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, if such Casualty Loss shall be caused by the act, the omission to act, or the negligence of the owner of a Unit so affected thereby, by a Family Member of such Unit Owner, or by a tenant or other occupant of such Unit, such installments of Common Charges shall abate only to the extent of any proceeds of rent insurance actually collected by the Condominium Board with respect to such Unit.
(F) If (i) a portion of any Unit shall be taken in condemnation or by eminent domain and (ii) the Condominium shall not be terminated by reason of a simultaneous Taking pursuant to the terms of paragraph (D) hereof, the Common Interest appurtenant to such Unit shall be adjusted in the proportion that the total floor area of such Unit and its appurtenant Limited Common Elements after such taking bears to the total floor area of such Unit and its appurtenant Limited Common Elements prior to such taking. The Condominium Board shall promptly prepare and record an amendment to the Declaration reflecting the new Common Interest appurtenant to such Unit, which amendment shall be executed by the owner of such Unit together with the holders of record of any liens thereon (or, in lieu of execution by such Unit Owner and lienors, the same may execute a consent to such amendment in recordable form). Following the Taking of a portion of a Unit and the recording of the aforementioned amendment to the Declaration, the votes appurtenant to such Unit shall be based upon the new Common Interest of such Unit, and, in the event of a Taking of an entire Unit, the right to vote appurtenant to such Unit shall wholly terminate. In either event, the Common Interests of the other or remaining Units shall be adjusted accordingly and reflected in an amendment to the Declaration duly executed and acknowledged by the Condominium Board and the owners of, together with the holders of record of all liens upon, all of the other or remaining units.
(G) As used in this Section 5.5, the terms:
(i) “prompt repair or restoration” shall mean that the Work is to be commenced not more than either: (a) 60 days after the date upon which the Insurance Trustee notifies the Condominium Board and the Unit Owners that it has received Trust Funds sufficient to discharge the estimated cost and expense of the Work, or (b) 90 days after the date upon which the Insurance Trustee notifies the Condominium Board and the Unit Owners that it has received Trust Funds insufficient to discharge the estimated cost and expense of the Work, or (c) in the event that the Trust Funds are payable to the Condominium Board pursuant to the terms of paragraph (A) of this Section 5.5, 60 days after the date upon which the Condominium Board notifies the Unit Owners that it has received the Trust Funds, whether or not the same are sufficient to discharge the cost and expense of the Work; and
(ii) “promptly resolve” shall mean that a resolution shall be duly made not more than 60 days after the date upon which the Condominium Board or the Insurance Trustee, as the case may be, notifies the Unit Owners that it has received the Trust Funds and that the same are or are not sufficient to discharge the estimated cost and expense of the Work, as the case may be.
(H) Any dispute that may arise under this Section 5.5 between Unit Owners or between any Unit Owner(s) and the Condominium Board shall be resolved by arbitration pursuant to the terms of Article 10 hereof.
Section 5.6 Use of the Property. (A) No nuisance or immoral activity shall be committed or permitted to occur in or about any Residential Unit or upon any part of the Common Elements, nor shall any use or practice be allowed in a Residential Unit that either is a source of annoyance to its residents or interferes with the peaceful possession or proper use of the Property by its residents or occupants. No unlawful use shall be made of the Property or any portion thereof, and all valid Laws relating to any portion of the Property shall be complied with at the full cost and expense of the respective Unit Owners or the Condominium Board, whoever shall have the obligation to maintain or repair such part of the Property.
(B) Nothing shall be done or kept in any Unit or in any of the Common Elements that would increase the rate of insurance for the Property, except upon the prior written consent of the Condominium Board. No Unit Owner shall permit anything to be done or kept in a Unit or in the Common Elements that will result in the cancellation of insurance on the Property or the contents thereof, or that would be in violation of any Law. No waste shall be committed in the Common Elements.
(C) Nothing shall be done in any Unit or in, on, or to the Common Elements that will impair the structural integrity of the Property or that will structurally change the Building, except as is otherwise provided in the Declaration or in these By-Laws. In no event shall interior partitions contributing to the support of any Unit or the Common Elements be altered or removed.
Section 5.7 Use of the Units. (A) In order to provide for congenial occupancy of the Property and for the protection of the values of the Units, the use of Units shall be restricted to, and shall be in accordance with, the terms contained in the balance of this Section 5.7.
(B) Each Residential Unit shall be used only as a residence. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, a portion of a Residential Unit may be used for any home occupation, including as a professional office, by the resident thereof provided that the nature and manner of such use complies with Law and does not violate the then existing Certificate of occupancy covering such Residential Unit, applicable zoning law and ordinances, building code or other rules and regulations of governmental authorities having jurisdiction. No illuminated or other sign may be used in connection with the aforementioned use without the prior written consent of the Board of Managers.
(C) A Residential Unit owned or leased by an individual, corporation, partnership, fiduciary, or any other entity may be occupied only by said individual, or by an officer, director, stockholder, or employee of such corporation, or by a partner or employee of such partnership, or by said fiduciary (including directors, officers, stockholders, or employees of corporate fiduciaries and partners or employees of partnership fiduciaries), or by the beneficiary of said fiduciary, or by a principal or employee of such other entity, respectively, or by Family Members or guests of any of the foregoing (however, nothing contained in this sentence shall be deemed to prohibit the exclusive occupancy of any Residential Unit by such Family Members or quests). Additionally, in no event shall a portion of a Residential Unit (as opposed to the entire Unit) be sold, conveyed, leased, or subleased, and no transient occupant (other than a guest permitted under this paragraph (C)) may be accommodated therein.
(D) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this section 5.7, Sponsor may, without the consent of either the Condominium Board or the Unit Owners:
(i) grant permission for the use of any residential Unsold Unit for any home occupation, including as a professional office by the resident, provided that the nature and manner of such use complies with Law and does not violate the then existing Certificate of Occupancy covering such residential Unsold Unit; and
(ii) use any one or more residential Unsold Units as model units and offices for the sales, promotions, rental, management and operation of the Unsold Units or for any other purpose, subject only to compliance with Law.
Section 5.8 Use of the Common Elements. (A) Subject to the terms of paragraphs (B) and (C) of this Section 5.8, the Common Elements (including, without limitation, the electrical, heating, gas, plumbing and other mechanical systems and equipment of the Building and the facilities) may be used only for the furnishing of the services and facilities, and for the other uses, for which they are reasonably suited and capable. In addition, no furniture, doormats, packages, or objects of any kind shall be placed in the lobbies, vestibules, public halls, stairways, public elevators, or any other part of the Common Elements (except for those areas designated as storage areas, if any) without the prior written consent of the Condominium Board. The lobbies, vestibules, public halls, stairways and public elevators shall be used only for normal passage through them. Accordingly, all Unit Owners shall require their tradespeople to utilize exclusively the elevator and entrance designated by the Condominium Board for transporting packages, merchandise, or other objects.
(B) The owner or owners of any two or more Residential Units, if such Residential Units are the only Residential Units serviced or benefited by any General Common Element adjacent or appurtenant to such Units (for example, that portion at the end of any hallway that is directly adjacent to any such Units located on opposite sides of such hallway) shall, with the consent of the Condominium Board (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed), have the right to use such General Common Elements exclusively, as if it were a part of such Units (including the right, in the above example of a portion of a hallway, to enclose such portion), and no amendment to the Declaration or reallocation of Common Interests shall be made by reason thereof. In such an event, however, such owner or owners shall, at his, her, or their sole cost and expense, both (i) operate, maintain and repair such General Common Element for so long as such owner or owners exercise such exclusive right of use and (b) restore such General Common Element to its original condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, after such owner or owners cease to exercise such exclusive right of use.
(C) The terms of paragraph (A) of this Section 5.8 shall not apply to Sponsor or its designee for so long as there are any Unsold Units. So long as Sponsor owns any Unit, Sponsor or its designee shall have the right, without charge or limitation, to: (i) erect and maintain signs, of any size or content determined by Sponsor or such designee, on or about any portion of the General Common Elements chosen by Sponsor or such designee, including, without limitation, on the exterior walls of the Building or adjacent to any entrance thereof; (ii) have its employees, contractors, subcontractors and sales agents present on the Property; and (iii) do all things necessary or appropriate, including the use of the General Common Elements, to sell, lease, manage, or operate Unsold Units, to complete any work or repairs to the Building expressly undertaken by Sponsor and to comply with Sponsor’s obligations under the Offering Plan and the Condominium Documents. In addition, Sponsor and its designee shall be entitled to exercise the rights set forth in paragraph (B) of this Section 5.8 with respect to any residential Unsold Unites, without the necessity of obtaining the consent of either the Condominium Board or any other Unit Owners. In no event, however, shall Sponsor or such designee be entitled to use any Common Elements in such a manner as will unreasonably interfere with the use of any Unit for its permitted purposes.
Section 5.9 Rights of Access. (A) Subject to the rights of existing tenants and other occupants of Unsold Units, each Unit Owner shall grant to the Sponsor, to the Condominium Board, to the Managing Agent or manager (if any), to the superintendent and/or to any other Person authorized by any of the foregoing a permanent right of access to his or her Unit and its appurtenant Limited Common Elements for the purposes of:
(i) making inspections of, or removing violations noted or issued by any governmental authority against, the Common Elements or any other part of the Property;
(ii) curing defaults hereunder or under the Declaration or violations of the Rules and Regulations committed by such Unit Owner or correcting any conditions originating in his or her Unit and threatening another Unit or all or a portion of the Common Elements;
(iii) performing maintenance, installations, alterations, repairs, or replacements to the mechanical or electrical services, or other portions of the Common Elements located within his or her Unit or elsewhere in the Building;
(iv) reading, maintaining, or replacing utility meters relating to the Common Elements, to his or her Unit or to any other Unit; or
(v) correcting any condition that violates the provisions of any Permitted Mortgage encumbering another Unit.
Except in cases of emergency (that is, a condition requiring repairs or replacements immediately necessary for the preservation or safety of the Building or for the safety of the occupants of the Building or other individuals, or required to avoid the suspension of any necessary service in the Building), the foregoing rights of access shall be exercised only upon not less than one day’s advance notice and only in such a manner as will not unreasonably interfere with the use of the Units and their appurtenant Limited Common Elements for their permitted purposes. In cases of emergency, however, such rights of access may be exercised immediately, without advance notice and whether or not the Unit Owner is present.
(B) Each Unit Owner shall grant a right of access to his or her Unit and its appurtenant Limited Common Elements, and the Condominium Board shall grant rights of access to the General Common Elements, to Sponsor and its contractors, subcontractors, agents and employees for the purpose of fulfilling Sponsor’s obligations as set forth in the Offering Plan or in any amendment thereto, provided that access thereto shall not be exercised, with respect to any Unit and its appurtenant Limited Common Elements, in such a manner as will unreasonably interfere with the use of such Unit and Limited Common Elements for their permitted purposes.
Section 5.10 Modification of the Rules and Regulations. The Condominium Board shall have the right to amend, modify, add to, or delete any of the Rules and Regulations from time to time, provided, however, that any such amendment, modification, addition, or deletion may be overruled by a vote of a majority in Common Interests of Unit Owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as long as Sponsor, any Sponsor-designee or any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor owns title to one or more Units, the Rules and Regulations may not be amended in a manner which would, in the sole discretion of Sponsor any Sponsordesignees, or any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor, adversely affect such Persons in any way, unless each such Person gives its prior written consent to such an amendment. Copies of the text of any amendments, modifications, additions, or deletions to the Rules and Regulations shall be furnished to all Unit Owners not less than thirty days prior to the effective date thereof.
Section 5.11 Real Estate Taxes, Water Charges and Sewer Rents. Water for the Building shall be supplied by the City of New York. Unless and until real estate taxes, water charges and sewer rents are billed directly to Unit Owners by the City Collector, (i) the Unit Owners shall pay to the Condominium Board at least 15 days before same become due and payable the cost of any such taxes, charges and rents as a Special Assessment, (ii) the cost thereof shall be allocated among all Unit Owners in proportion to each Unit’s Common Interest, and (iii) the Condominium Board shall collect such monies from the Unit Owners, hold such monies in trust and promptly pay such taxes, charges and rents before they are due, all as agent for the Unit Owners. In the event of a proposed sale of any Unit, the Condominium Board (for so long as the Condominium Board is still paying such real estate taxes, water charges and sewer rents as agent for the Unit Owners) shall, upon the written request of the selling Unit Owner, execute and deliver to the purchaser of such Unit or to such purchaser’s title company, a letter agreeing to promptly pay all such taxes, charges and rents affecting such owner’s Unit to the date of the closing of title to such Unit.
The Condominium Board may act as an agent of each Unit Owner who has given his or her written authorization to complain or apply to the board of assessment review or the assessing agency by filing a single complaint on behalf of all such Unit owners and to commence and prosecute a special proceeding for the review of assessments of real property as an aggrieved person. The Condominium Board may retain legal counsel on behalf of all Unit Owners for which it is acting as agent and may charge all such Unit Owners a pro-rata share of expenses, disbursements and legal fees, for which charges the Condominium Board shall have a lien pursuant to the terms of these By-Laws.
Section 5.12 Gas. The charges for any gas consumed or used in the Building shall be paid by the Condominium Board as a Common Expense.
Section 5.13 Electricity. Electricity shall be supplied to each Unit through a separate meter for such Unit, and each Unit Owner shall be required to pay all charges for electricity consumed or used in his or her Unit directly to the utility company servicing the Building as and when billed therefor. However, the Condominium Board shall have the right, exercisable in its sole discretion, to require that electricity be supplied to the Condominium, through one or more common meters. In such an event, the cost thereof shall be borne by each Residential Unit Owner based upon the consumption or usage of electricity in his or her Unit, as determined by submetering, survey, or any other reasonable method prescribed by the Condominium Board and permitted by Law, and shall be payable either to the Condominium Board or to the utility company servicing the Building, as directed by the Condominium Board.
Section 5.14 Utilities Serving the General Common Elements. The cost and expense of water, steam, electricity and gas serving or benefiting any General Common Element shall be (i) considered part of the expense of maintaining such General Common Element, (ii) determined by the Board and (iii) charged to the Unit Owners as a Common Expense.
Section 5.15 Vault Charges. All license fees, and all periodic taxes and charges, for vaults or other protrusions beyond the building line shall be paid by the Condominium Board as a Common Expense.
Section 5.16 Records and Audits. (A) The Treasurer of the Condominium, or the Managing Agent under the supervision of such Treasurer, shall keep full, detailed and accurate records and books of account with respect to the financial affairs of the Condominium, which records and books of accounts shall include, without limitation, (i) a listing of all receipts of and expenditures by the Condominium Board and the Managing Agent and (ii) a separate listing for each Unit, setting forth, among other things, the amount of each assessment of Common Charges and Special Assessments levied against such Unit, the date when due, the amounts paid thereon and the balance, if any, remaining unpaid.
(B) Within four months after the end of each fiscal year of the Condominium, the Condominium Board shall submit to each Unit Owner, and, if so requested, to any Permitted Mortgagee, an annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the Condominium prepared and certified by an independent certified public accountant. The cost of preparing and distributing each such report shall be borne by the Condominium Board as a Common Expense.
(C) The books of account and records of the Condominium may be examined by Unit Owners at convenient hours of weekdays.
Article 6
Common Charges
Section 6.1 Determination of Common Expenses and Fixing of Common Charges.(A) From time to time, but not less frequently than once a year, the Condominium Board shall: (i) prepare and adopt a budget for the Condominium, subject, in all respects, to the limitations set forth in Section 2.5 hereof; (ii) determine the aggregate amount of Common Charges necessary to be charged to the Unit Owners in order to meet the Common Expenses; and (iii) allocate and assess such Common Charges amongst the Unit Owners prorate, in accordance with their respective Common Interest. Such allocation is authorized by the Declaration and these By-Laws. The Condominium Board shall advise all Unit Owners promptly thereafter in writing of the amount of Common Charges payable by each of them and, not later than 10 days next preceding the date upon which the first installment of newly-determined Common Charges is due, shall furnish copies of the budget (in a reasonably itemized form) upon which such Common Charges are based to all Unit Owners and to their respective Permitted Mortgagees. The Condominium Board may, at its sole discretion, from time to time increase or decrease the amount of Common Charges allocated to the Units and payable by the Unit Owners and may modify its prior determination of the Common Expenses for any fiscal year so as to increase or decrease the amount of Common Charges payable for such fiscal year or portion thereof; however, no such revised determination of Common Expenses shall have a retroactive effect on the amount of Common Charges payable by Unit Owners for any period prior to the date of such new determination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the Condominium Board shall not reduce the Common Charges payable during any year occurring within a period when Sponsor owns Units having more than 50% of the Common Interests of all Units solely as a result of either reducing the number of employees of the Condominium below the number employed for the Property on the date of recording the Declaration, or eliminating or reducing any service or reducing the insurance coverage below that provided for the Property on such date, except with the concurrence of a majority of the members of the Condominium Board elected by Unit Owners other than Sponsor or its designee.
(B) The failure or delay of the Condominium Board to prepare or adopt a budget or to determine the Common Expenses for any fiscal year or portion thereof shall not be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect of the covenants and provisions hereof or a release of any Unit Owner from the obligation to pay Common Charges. In such event, the Common Charges that were computed on the basis of the Common Expenses last determined for any fiscal year or portion thereof shall continue thereafter to be the Common Charges payable by the Unit Owners until a new determination of the Common Expenses shall be made.
(C) In addition to the foregoing duty to determine the amount of and assess Common Charges, the Condominium Board shall have the right, subject, in all respects, to the limitations contained in Section 2.5 hereof, to levy Special Assessments to meet the Common Expenses. All Special Assessments shall be levied against all Unit Owners in proportion to their respective Contributing Share and may be payable either in one lump sum or in installments, as the Condominium Board shall determine, provided, however, that the Condominium Board shall give each Unit Owner not less than 15 days written notice prior to the date upon which such Special Assessment, or the first installment thereof, shall be due and payable, which notice shall set forth, in reasonable detail, the nature and purposes thereof. The Condominium Board shall have all rights and remedies for the collection of Special Assessments as are provided herein for the collection of Common Charges (including, without limitation, the provisions of Section 6.4 hereof).
(D) The excess of all rents, profits and revenues derived from the rental or use of any space forming a part of, or included in, any General Common Element remaining after deduction of all expenses incurred in connection with generating the same shall constitute income of the Unit Owners, and shall be collected on behalf of the Unit Owners by the Condominium Board and applied against the Common Expenses for the year in which collected. In the event that such net rents, profits and revenues, together with the Common Charges and any Special Assessments collected from the Unit Owners, for any year of operation shall exceed the Common Expenses for such year, then such excess shall be applied by the Condominium Board against the Common Expenses for the next succeeding year(s) of operation, and no Unit Owner shall be entitled to a distribution of any portion of such excess unless the Condominium Board shall determine to distribute all or part of such excess to all Unit Owners prorated, in proportion to their respective Common Interest. Notwithstanding any provision contained in these By-Laws or in the Declaration to the contrary, however, in no event shall any rent, profit, or revenue derived from the rental or use of any space in the Building be deemed to be derived from the rental or use of any floor slabs, ceilings, or walls delineating or enclosing such space or the incidental use of any portion of any Common Elements appurtenant to such space.
Section 6.2 Payment of Common Charges. (A) All Unit owners (including Sponsor and Sponsor-designees with respect to Unsold Units, for so long as the same are owned thereby) shall be obligated to pay Common Charges and Special Assessments assessed by the Condominium Board pursuant to the terms of Section 6.1 hereof at such time or times (but not less than annually) as the Condominium Board shall determine. Unless otherwise determined by the Condominium Board, Common Charges shall be payable in installments on the first day of every month in advance. To the extent permitted by Law, the Condominium Board shall have a lien on each Unit, on behalf of all Unit Owners, for unpaid Common Charges and Special Assessments assessed against such Unit. Such lien, however, shall be subordinate, to the extent required by Law, to any liens for real estate taxes assessed against such Unit and to any sums unpaid on a Permitted First Mortgage of record thereon.
(B) No Unit Owner shall be liable for the payment of any part of the Common Charges and any Special Assessments assessed against his or her Units subsequent to a sale, transfer, or other conveyance by him or her of such Unit, together with its Appurtenant Interests, made in compliance with the terms of Article 7 hereof. A purchaser or other successor-in-title to the owner of a Unit shall be liable for the payment of all Common Charges and any Special Assessments accrued and unpaid against such Unit prior to his or her acquisition thereof, except that, to the extent permitted by Law, a Permitted First Mortgagee acquiring title to a mortgaged Unit or a purchaser at a mortgage foreclosure sale held with respect to a Permitted First Mortgage shall not be liable, and such mortgaged Unit shall not be subject to a lien, for the payment of any Common Charges and Special Assessments assessed subsequent to the recording of such Permitted First Mortgage and prior to the acquisition of title to such Unit by the Permitted First Mortgagee or by such purchaser. However, in the event of a foreclosure of a Permitted First Mortgage (whether by sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise), the defaulting Unit Owner shall remain fully liable for the payment of all unpaid Common Charges and Special Assessments that accrued prior to such foreclosure. Any unpaid Common Charges and Special Assessments that are not collected from such defaulting Unit Owner shall be deemed a Common Expense, collectible from all those who are Unit Owners at the time that the same is levied.
(C) Subject to the terms and conditions contained in these By-Laws, any Unit Owner may convey his or her Unit, together with its Appurtenant Interests, to the Condominium Board or to its designee, corporate or otherwise, on behalf of all Unit Owners, without being compensated therefor, and, in such event, be exempt from the payment of Common Charges and Special Assessments thereafter accruing, provided, however, that: (i) all Common Charges and any Special Assessments then due and payable with respect to such Unit have been paid; (ii) such Unit is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than a Permitted First Mortgage and the statutory lien for unpaid Common Charges and Special Assessments; (iii) no violation of any provision of the Condominium Documents then exists with respect to such Unit and (iv) at the time of conveyance, and in the event that the Unit is encumbered by a Permitted Mortgage, the Unit Owner shall deposit with the Condominium Board an amount equal to the product of the then current monthly debt service on the Permitted Mortgage multiplied by 24. However, in no event shall Sponsor or its designee be permitted to convey any Unsold Unit to the Condominium Board and thereby exempt itself from Common Charges and any Special Assessments attributable to such Unit thereafter accruing.
(D) No Unit Owner shall be exempted from liability for the payment of Common Charges or Special Assessments by ‘waiving the use or enjoyment of any or all of the Common Elements or by abandoning his or her Unit (except with respect to a conveyance of the same to the Condominium Board, without compensation, pursuant to the terms of paragraph (C) hereof). Except as expressly provided to the contrary in paragraph (E) of Section 5.5 hereof, no Unit Owner shall be entitled to a diminution or abatement in the Common Charges or Special Assessments payable thereby for any inconvenience or discomfort arising from: (i) the failure or interruption of any utility or other services; (ii) the making of repairs or improvements to the Common Elements or any Unit (including, without limitation, such Unit Owner’s Unit) pursuant to the terms of Section 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 hereof; or (iii) any action taken by the Condominium Board or the officers of the Condominium to comply with Law.
Section 6.3 Statement of Common Charges. The Condominium Board shall promptly provide a written statement of all unpaid Common Charges due from any Unit Owner upon its receipt of a written request therefor from such Unit Owner. In addition, each Unit owner shall be permitted to examine the books of account of the Condominium at reasonable times on weekdays.
Section 6.4 Default in Payment of Common Charges. (A) The Condominium Board shall take prompt action to collect any Common Charges due to the Condominium Board that remains unpaid for more than fifteen (15) days after the due date for the payment thereof. In connection therewith, the Condominium Board shall have the right to cause liens for all sums due and owing to the Condominium Board to be filed in the Register’s Office pursuant to the terms of Section 339-z of the Condominium Act, to cause such liens to be foreclosed in the manner provided in Section 339-aa of the Condominium Act and/or to institute all other proceedings deemed necessary or desirable by the Condominium Board to recover all such unpaid Common Charges, together with all additional sums of money collectible by the Condominium Board by reason of such nonpayment pursuant to the terms of paragraph (B) hereof. A suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid Common Charges, however, shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing such charges.
(B) In the event that any Unit Owner shall fail to make prompt payment of Common Charges or Special Assessments, such Unit Owner shall be obligated to pay each month a “late charge” of two cents for each dollar of such amounts which remain unpaid for more than five days from their due date (although nothing herein shall be deemed to extend the period within which such amounts are to be paid), together with all costs and expenses paid or incurred by the Condominium Board, the Managing Agent, or the manager (if any) in connection with collecting such unpaid Common Charges or Special Assessment with interest at the rate of two percent per month (but in no event in excess of the maximum rate permitted by law) and/or in foreclosing the aforementioned lien, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements and court costs. The “late charge” shall be imposed for each month that the Common Charges shall remain unpaid for any portion of the month. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Sponsor, any Sponsordesignee and any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor shall not be subject to the “late charge”. In addition, if the Condominium Board shall bring an action to foreclose the aforementioned lien, the defaulting unit owner will be required to pay a reasonable rental for the use of his or her Unit, and the plaintiff in such foreclosure action shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver to collect the same. All such late charges, interest, costs and expenses and rentals shall be added to and shall constitute Common Charges or Special Assessments payable by such Unit Owner.
(C) In any action brought by the Condominium Board to foreclose a lien on a Unit because of unpaid Common Charges, the Condominium Board shall have, on behalf of all Unit owners, the power to purchase such Unit at the foreclosure sale thereof and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, convey, or otherwise deal with such Unit (but not to vote the votes appurtenant to the same). In the event that the net proceeds received on such foreclosure (after deduction of all legal fees and disbursements, advertising costs, brokerage commissions, court costs and other costs and expenses paid or incurred in connection therewith) shall be insufficient to satisfy the defaulting Unit Owner’s obligations to the Condominium, such Unit Owner shall remain liable for the deficit. Any surplus on such foreclosure sale shall be paid to the defaulting Unit Owner after first paying all liens on such Unit Owner’s Unit in the order of priority of such liens.
Article 7
Selling and Leasing of Units
Section 7.1 General. Subject to the terms of Section 7.5 hereof, no Residential Unit Owner may sell or lease his or her Residential Unit except in compliance with the applicable provisions of this Article 7. Any purported sale or lease consummated in default of the applicable terms hereof shall be voidable at the sole election of the Condominium Board, and, if the Condominium Board shall so elect, the selling or leasing Residential Unit Owner shall be deemed to have authorized and empowered the Condominium Board to institute legal proceedings to eject the purported purchaser (in the event of an unauthorized sale) or to evict the purported tenant (in the event of an unauthorized leasing) in the name of the said Residential Unit Owner as the owner or landlord, as the case may be. The said Residential Unit Owner shall reimburse the Condominium Board for all costs and expenses paid or incurred in connection with such proceedings, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements and court costs.
Section 7.2 Right of First Refusal. (A) Subject to the terms of Sections 7.5 and 7.9 hereof, any contract to sell a Residential Unit together with its Appurtenant Interests and any lease of a Residential Unit (hereinafter collectively referred to as a “Sale or Lease Agreement”) shall contain the following language: “THIS AGREEMENT AND THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES HEREUNDER ARE HEREBY MADE EXPRESSLY SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS, IF ANY, OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE CONDOMINIUM WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSACTION EMBODIED HEREIN PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF SECTIONS 7.2 AND 7.3 OF THE BY-LAWS OF THE SAID CONDOMINIUM, AS THE SAME MAY HAVE BEEN AMENDED.” Promptly after any such contract of sale or lease shall be fully executed, the Residential Unit Owner executing the same (hereinafter referred to as the “Offeree Unit Owner”) shall send written notice thereof to the Condominium Board by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, which notice shall be accompanied by a fully executed, original counterpart of the contract of sale or the lease, as the case may be, containing all of the terms offered in good faith by the prospective purchaser or tenant (hereinafter referred to as the “Outside Offeror”).
(B) The sending of the notice referred to in paragraph (A) of this Section 7.2 shall constitute an offer by the Offeree Unit Owner to sell his or her Residential Unit, together with its Appurtenant Interests, or to lease his or her Residential Unit, as the case may be, to the Condominium Board or to its designee, corporate or otherwise, on behalf of all Unit Owners, upon the same terms and conditions as are contained in such Sale or Lease Agreement, subject, however, to any variance therefrom provided in Section 7.3 hereof. The giving of such notice shall further constitute a representation and warranty by the Offeree Unit Owner to the Condominium Board, on behalf of all Unit Owners, that such Offeree Unit Owner believes the Sale or Lease Agreement to be bona fide in all respects. Thereafter, upon the written demand of the Condominium Board, the Offeree Unit Owner shall submit to the Condominium Board, in writing, such further information with respect to the Outside Offeror and the Sale or Lease Agreement as the Condominium Board may reasonably request.
(C) The Condominium Board may elect, by sending written notice thereof to the Offeree Unit Owner by certified or registered mail not later than 20 business days after receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph (A) hereof together with such further information as may have been requested pursuant to the terms of paragraph (B) hereof, to purchase such Residential Unit together with its Appurtenant Interests or to lease such Residential Unit, as the case may be (or to cause the same to be purchased or leased by its designee, corporate or otherwise) on behalf of all Unit Owners upon the same terms and conditions as were contained in the Sale or Lease Agreement and stated in the response(s) by the Offeree Unit Owner to any requests for additional information pursuant to the terms of paragraph (B) hereof. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, however, the Condominium Board shall not exercise any option set forth in this Section 7.2 to purchase or lease any Unit without the prior approval of a Majority in Common Interests of Unit Owners.
Section 7.3 Acceptance of Offer. (A) In the event that the Condominium Board shall elect, within the time and in the manner provided in Section 7.2 hereof, to purchase a Residential Unit together with its Appurtenant Interests, to lease such Residential Unit, or to cause the same to be purchased or leased by its designee, title shall close or a lease shall be executed, in either event in accordance with the terms of the Sale or Lease Agreement, at the office of the attorneys for the Condominium within 45 days after the day upon which the Condominium Board shall give notice of its election to accept such offer.
(B) If such Residential Unit and its Appurtenant Interests are to be purchased by the Condominium Board or its designee on behalf of all Unit Owners, such purchase may be made from the funds deposited in the capital and/or expense accounts of the Condominium. If the funds in such accounts are insufficient to effectuate such purchase, the Condominium Board may levy a Special Assessment against each Unit Owner (other than the Offeree Unit Owner) in accordance with the terms of Paragraph (C) of Section 6.1 hereof and/or the Condominium Board may, in its discretion, finance the acquisition of such Residential Unit; provided, however, that no such financing may be secured by an encumbrance on or a hypothecation of any portion of the Property other than the Residential Unit to be purchased together with its Appurtenant Interests. In addition, if the Outside Offeror was to assume or to take title to the Residential Unit subject to the Offeree Unit Owner’s existing mortgage or mortgages pursuant to the Sale or Lease Agreement, the Condominium Board may purchase the Residential Unit and assume or take title thereto subject to such mortgage or mortgages, as the case may be. At the closing of title, the Offeree Unit Owner shall convey the Residential Unit, together with its Appurtenant Interests, to the Condominium Board or to its designee, on behalf of all Unit Owners, by deed in the form required by Section 339-o of Condominium Act with all tax and/or documentary stamps affixed at the expense of the Offeree Unit Owner, who shall also pay all other transfer taxes, gains taxes and any other taxes arising out of such sale notwithstanding any terms of the Sale or Lease Agreement to the contrary. Real estate taxes (including water charges and sewer charges, if separately assessed), mortgage interest (if applicable) and Common Charges shall be apportioned between the Offeree Unit Owner and the Condominium Board or its designee as of the closing date, notwithstanding any terms of the Sale or Lease Agreement to the contrary. Thereafter, such Residential Unit shall be held, so long as the same is owned by the Condominium Board or its designee, on behalf of all Unit Owners, as tenants-in-common, in proportion to their respective Common Interests, and all such Unit Owners shall be deemed to have waived all rights of partition with respect to such Residential Unit and the entire Property, as herein provided.
(C) In the event that such Residential Unit is to be leased by the Condominium Board or its designee on behalf of all Unit Owners, the Offeree Unit Owner shall execute and deliver to the Condominium Board or such designee a lease covering such Residential Unit by and between the Offeree Unit owner, as landlord, and the Condominium Board or such designee, as tenant. Such lease shall be in the then current form of apartment lease recommended by the Real Estate Board of New York, Inc., and shall contain all of the terms and conditions of the Sale or Lease Agreement not in conflict with such form of lease, including, without limitation, the rental and term provided for therein and shall comply with paragraph 9(C) of Section 7.4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein above or in the Sale or Lease Agreement, however, such lease shall expressly provide that the Condominium Board or such designee may enter into a sublease of the premises demised thereunder without consent of the landlord.
Section 7.4 Failure to Accept Offer. (A) In the event that the Condominium Board shall fail to accept an offer made pursuant to the terms of Section 7.2 hereof within the time set forth in paragraph (C) thereof, the Offeree Unit Owner shall be free to consummate the transaction embodied in the Sale or Lease Agreement within one hundred and twenty days after (i) notice of refusal is sent to the Offeree Unit Owner by the Condominium Board or (ii) the expiration of the period within which the Condominium Board or its designee might have accepted such offer, as the case may be. If the Offeree Unit owner shall fail to consummate the transaction embodied in the Sale or Lease Agreement within such 120-day period, then, should the Offeree Unit Owner thereafter elect to sell such Residential Unit together with its Appurtenant Interests or to lease such Residential Unit, the Offeree Unit Owner shall be required again to comply with all of the terms and provisions of Sections 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 hereof.
(B) Any deed of a Residential Unit and its Appurtenant Interests to an Outside Offeror shall expressly provide that the acceptance thereof by the grantee shall constitute an assumption of all of the terms of the Condominium Documents, and, in the absence of such express language, the same shall be conclusively deemed to have been included therein.
(C) Each lease of a Residential Unit to an outside Offeror shall be in the then current form of apartment lease recommended by the Real Estate Board of New York, Inc., subject to such modifications as may be approved in writing by the Condominium Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, each such lease shall be consistent with the Condominium Documents and shall expressly provide that:
(i) such lease shall be for a term of not less than six months;
(ii) such lease may not be amended, modified, or extended without the prior written consent of the Condominium Board in each instance;
(iii) the tenant thereunder shall not assign his or her interest in such lease or sublet the premises demised thereunder or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the Condominium Board in each instance; and
(iv) the Condominium Board shall have the power to terminate such lease and/or to bring summary proceedings to evict the tenant in the name of the landlord thereunder in the event of (a) a default by the tenant in the performance of its obligations under such lease or (b) a foreclosure of the lien granted by Section 339-z of the Condominium Act.
Section 7.5 Termination of, and Exceptions to, the Right of First Refusal. (A) A certificate executed and acknowledged by the Secretary of the Condominium or the Managing Agent, stating that the provisions of Section 7.2 hereof have been met by a Residential Unit Owner or that the right of first refusal provided for therein has been duly released or waived by the Condominium Board and that, as a result thereof, the rights of the Condominium Board thereunder have terminated, shall be conclusive upon the Condominium Board and all Unit Owners in favor of all persons who rely upon such certificate in good faith. After the due issuance of such a certificate, the Residential Unit to which the same shall relate together with its Appurtenant Interest, may be sold conveyed, or leased free and clear of the terms and conditions contained in Section 7.2 hereof. The Condominium Board shall furnish or cause the Managing Agent to furnish such certificate upon written request to any Unit Owner in respect to whom the provisions of section 7.2 hereof have, in fact, been terminated. In no event, however, shall the right of first refusal described in section 7.2 hereof be deemed released or waived by the Condominium Board (as opposed to satisfied pursuant to the express terms of Section 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 hereof) in the absence of a certificate that has been duly executed, acknowledge and issued by the Condominium Board or the Managing Agent as aforesaid.
(B) The terms and conditions contained in Section 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 hereof shall not apply with respect to any sale, lease, or conveyance of a Residential Unit, together with its Appurtenant Interest, by:
(i) the owner of such Residential Unit to any of his or her adult Family Members, to any combination of the same, or to a trust for the benefit of any of them or, with respect to a Residential Unit Owner that is not an individual, to any entity or individual that owns more that fifty percent of the legal and beneficial interest of such Residential Unit Owner or to any entity with respect to which such Residential Unit Owner (individual or otherwise) owns more than 50 percent of the legal and beneficial interest thereof;
(ii) Sponsor, any Sponsor-designee or any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor;
(iii) the Condominium Board;
(iv) any proper officer conducting the sale of a Residential Unit in connection with the foreclosure of a mortgage or other lien covering such Residential Unit or delivering a deed in lieu of such foreclosure sale; or
(v) any Permitted Mortgagee or his or her nominee, who has acquired title to any Residential Unit at any foreclosure sale of his or her Permitted Mortgage or by deed in lieu thereof delivered in a bona fide transaction;
(vi) the owner of such Residential Unit by gift, as devise by will or through intestacy;
provided, however, that each succeeding Residential Unit Owner shall be bound by, and his or her Unit shall continue to be subject to, all of the terms and conditions of this Article 7. The sale, lease or conveyance by any of the Persons described in this paragraph (B) shall be on such terms as such Persons shall determine and with respect to leasing, without limitation as to the rental to be charged therefor except such rents shall not be in violation of any applicable law.
Section 7.6 No Severance of Ownership. No Unit Owner shall execute any deed or other instrument conveying title to his or her Unit without including therein its Appurtenant Interests, it being the intention to prevent any severance of such combined ownership. Any deed or other instrument purporting to affect one or more such interests shall be taken to include the interest or interests so omitted, even though the latter shall not be expressly mentioned or described therein. No part of the Appurtenant Interests of any Unit may be sold, conveyed, or otherwise disposed of, except as part of a sale, conveyance, or other disposition of the Unit to which such interests are appurtenant or as part of the Appurtenant Interests of all Units. Nothing contained in this Section 7.6, however, shall prohibit the lease of any Unit without the simultaneous lease of its Appurtenant Interests.
Section 7.7 Payment of Common Charges. No Residential Unit Owner shall be permitted to convey or lease his or her Residential Unit unless he or she shall have paid in full to the Condominium Board all unpaid Common Charges and Special Assessments theretofore assessed against such unit and shall have satisfied all unpaid liens, other than that of Permitted Mortgages, levied against such Residential Unit.
Section 7.8 Power of Attorney. At the time of acquiring title to a Unit and as a condition thereof, the new Unit Owner shall duly execute, acknowledge and deliver to the representative of his or her title insurance company (or, if no such representative is present, to Sponsor or its designee, or, if Sponsor or its designee is not then the owner of any Unsold Unit, to the Condominium Board) for recording in the Registrar’s Office, the Unit Owner’s Power of Attorney required in Article 11 of the Declaration, in the form set forth as Exhibit E to the Declaration.
Section 7.9 Gifts and Devises, Etc. Any Unit Owner shall be free to convey or transfer his or her Unit, together with its Appurtenant Interests, by gift, or to devise the same by will or to have the same pass by intestacy, without restriction, provided, however, that each succeeding Unit owner shall be bound by, and his or her Unit shall be subject to, the provisions of this Article 7.
Section 7.10 Fees and Charges. The Condominium Board shall have the right to require the Offeree Unit Owner to pay a fee to the Condominium Board and/or the Managing Agent to cover reasonable legal and other expenses of the Condominium Board and the Managing Agent in connection with the sale or lease of a Residential Unit pursuant to the provisions of this Article 7 except such charges and fees shall not apply to a sale or lease of any Unit by Sponsor, any Sponsor-designee or any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor. Any other fees in connection with the sale or lease of a Residential Unit may only be enacted by action of Unit Owners except any such fee shall not apply to a sale or lease of any Unit by Sponsor, any Sponsor-designee or any partner of any entity affiliated directly or indirectly with Sponsor.
Article 8
Mortgaging of Units
Section 8.1 General. Each Unit Owner shall have the right to mortgage his or her Unit, subject only to the terms and conditions contained in Section 8.2 hereof. Any Unit owner who mortgages his or her Unit, or the holder of such mortgage, shall supply the Condominium Board at its request with the name and address of his or her mortgagee and shall file a conformed copy of the note and mortgage with the Condominium Board. Any Unit Owner who satisfies a mortgage covering his or her Unit shall so notify the Condominium Board and shall file a conformed copy of the satisfaction of mortgage with the Condominium Board. The Secretary of the Condominium shall maintain such information in a book entitled “Mortgages of Units.”
Section 8.2 Restrictions on Mortgaging. (A) No Unit Owner shall be permitted to mortgage, pledge or hypothecate his or her Unit unless and until he or she shall have paid in full to the Condominium Board all unpaid Common Charges and special Assessments theretofore assessed against such Unit and shall have satisfied all unpaid liens, except the liens of Permitted Mortgages levied against such Unit.
(B) No Unit Owner shall execute any mortgage or other document mortgaging, pledging, or hypothecating title to his or her Unit without including therein its Appurtenant Interests, it being the intention to prevent any severance of such combined ownership. Any mortgage or other instrument purporting to affect one or more of such interests without including all such interests shall be deemed and taken to include the interest or interests so omitted, even though the latter shall not be expressly mentioned or described therein.
(C) Any mortgage covering a Residential Unit shall be substantially in the form of the New York statutory form of mortgage, except for such changes or additions thereto as may be required in order to permit a particular bank, trust company, insurance company, savings and loan association, or other institutional or non-institutional lender to make the mortgage loan.
Section 8.3 Notice of Unpaid Common Charges and Default. Whenever requested in writing by a Permitted Mortgagee, the Condominium Board shall promptly report to such Permitted Mortgagee any default by his or her mortgagor(s) in the payment of Common Charges or Special Assessments or in the observance or performance of any of the provisions of the Condominium Documents as to which the Condominium Board has knowledge then exists. The Condominium Board shall, when giving notice to a Unit Owner of any such default, also send a copy of such notice to his or her Permitted Mortgagee, if so requested. However, the Condominium Board shall have no liability for any failure, through oversight or negligence, in notifying a Permitted Mortgagee of any default by his or her mortgagor under the Condominium Documents, provided that (i) the Condominium Board shall advise such Permitted Mortgagees of the default promptly after discovering such failure and (ii) if the Condominium Board shall foreclose a lien on such mortgagor’s Unit pursuant to the terms of Section 6.4 hereof by reason of such default, the Condominium Board shall pay to such Permitted Mortgagee any net proceeds of any foreclosure sale of such Unit (after retaining all sums due and owing to the Condominium Board pursuant to the Condominium Documents) or such lesser sum as shall be due and owing to such Permitted Mortgagee.
Section 8.4 Performance by Permitted Mortgagees. Any sum of money to be paid or any act to be performed by a Unit Owner pursuant to the terms of the Condominium Documents may be paid or performed by his or her Permitted Mortgagee, and the Condominium Board shall accept such Permitted Mortgagee’s payment or performance with the same force and effect as if the same were paid or performed by such Unit Owner.
Section 8.5 Examination of Books. Each Permitted Mortgagee shall be permitted to examine the books of account of the Condominium at reasonable times on business days, but not more frequently than once a month.
Section 8.6 Consent of Mortgagees; Designation of Mortgage Representatives. (A) Except as otherwise expressly provided for herein or in the Declaration, no consent or approval by any mortgagee shall be required with respect to any determination or act of the Condominium Board or any unit Owner, provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit or affect the rights of any mortgagee against his or her mortgagor. In the event that any such consent or approval shall be expressly required pursuant to the terms of the Declaration or these By-Laws, the decision of a majority of the Mortgage Representatives, if any are designated pursuant to the terms of paragraph (B) of this Section 8.6, shall be deemed binding upon the holders of all mortgages encumbering Units.
(B) The holders of Institutional Mortgages constituting a majority in principal amount of all Institutional Mortgages may, if they so elect, designate not more than three Mortgage Representatives by giving written notice thereof to the Condominium Board, which Mortgage Representatives shall thereby be empowered to act as the representatives of the holders of all mortgages encumbering Units with respect to any matter requiring the consent or approval of mortgagees under the Declaration or these By-Laws. Any designation of a Mortgage Representative pursuant to the terms of this paragraph (B) shall be effective until any successor Mortgage Representative is designated pursuant to the terms hereof and written notice thereof is given to the Condominium Board. Unless otherwise required by Law, no holders of mortgages encumbering Units other than Permitted Mortgagees who hold Institutional Mortgages shall be entitled to participate in the designation of Mortgage Representatives, but all holders of mortgages encumbering Units shall be subject to all determinations made by the Mortgage Representatives pursuant to the terms of the Declaration or these By-Laws.
Article 9
Certain Remedies
Section 9.1 Self Help. If any Unit Owner shall violate or breach any of the provisions of the Condominium Documents on his or her part to be observed or performed including, without limitation, any breach of his or her obligation to paint, decorate, maintain, repair, or replace his or her Unit or its appurtenant Limited Common Elements pursuant to the terms of Article 5 hereof, and shall fail to cure such violation or breach within five days after receipt of written notice of the same from the Condominium Board, the Managing Agent, or any manager (or, with respect to any violation or breach of the same not reasonably susceptible to cure within such period, to commence such cure within such five day period and, thereafter, to prosecute such cure with due diligence to completion), the Condominium Board shall have the right to enter such Unit Owner’s Unit and/or its appurtenant Limited Common Elements and summarily to abate, remove, or cure such violation or breach without thereby being deemed guilty or liable in any manner of trespass. In addition, in the event that the Condominium Board shall determine that the abatement, removal, or cure of any such violation or breach is immediately necessary for the preservation or safety of the Building or for the safety of the occupants of the Building or other individuals or is required to avoid the suspension of any necessary service in the Building, the Condominium Board may take such action immediately, without prior notice and without allowing the said Unit Owner any period of time within which to cure or to commence to cure such violation or breach.
Section 9.2 Abatement and Enjoinment. (A) In the event that any Unit Owner shall violate or breach any of the provisions of the Condominium Documents on his or her part to be observed or performed, the Condominium Board shall have the right to enjoin, abate, or remedy the continuance or repetition of any such violation or breach by appropriate proceedings brought either at law or in equity.
(B) The violation or breach of any of the terms of the Condominium Documents with respect to any of rights, easements, privileges, or licenses granted to Sponsor or its designee shall give to Sponsor or such designee the right to enjoin, abate, or remedy the continuation or repetition of any such violation or breach by appropriate proceedings brought either at law or in equity.
Section 9.3 Remedies Cumulative. The remedies specifically granted to the Condominium Board or to Sponsor or its designee in this Article 9 or elsewhere in the Condominium Documents shall be cumulative, shall be in addition to all other remedies obtainable at law or in equity and may be exercised at one time or at different times, concurrently or in any order, in the sole discretion of the Condominium Board or Sponsor or such designee, as the case may be. Further, the exercise of any remedy shall not operate as a waiver, or preclude the exercise, of any other remedy.
Section 9.4 Costs and Expenses. All sums of money expended, and all costs and expenses incurred, by (i) the Condominium Board in connection with the abatement, enjoinment, removal, or cure of any violation, breach, or default committed by a Unit Owner pursuant to the terms of Section 9.1 or paragraph (A) of Section 9.2 hereof or (ii) Sponsor in connection with any abatement, enjoinment, or remedy of any violation or breach of the Condominium Documents pursuant to the terms of paragraph (B) of Section 9.2 hereof, shall be immediately payable by (a) in the event set forth in subparagraph (i) hereof, such Unit Owner to the Condominium Board or (b) in the event set forth in subparagraph (ii) hereof, the offending party (i.e., the Condominium Board or the Unit Owner) to Sponsor, which amount shall, in either event, bear interest (to be computed from the date expended) at the rate of two percent per month (but in no event in excess of the maximum rate chargeable to such Unit Owner pursuant to Law). All sums payable by a Unit Owner to the Condominium Board pursuant to the terms of this Section 9.4 shall, for all purposes hereunder, constitute Common Charges payable by such Unit Owner.
Article 10
Section 10.1 Procedure. Any matter required or permitted to be determined by arbitration pursuant to the terms of the Condominium Documents shall be submitted for resolution by a single arbitrator in a proceeding held in the City of New York in accordance with the then existing rules of the American Arbitration Association or any successor organization thereto. In the event that the American Arbitration Association shall not then be in existence and has no successor organization, any such arbitration shall be held in the City of New York before one arbitrator appointed, upon the application of any party, by any Justice of the highest court of appellate jurisdiction then located in the City of New York. The decision of the arbitrator so chosen shall be given within 10 days after his or her selection or appointment. Any arbitrator appointed or selected in connection with any arbitration to be conducted hereunder shall be a member of a law firm having at least five members whose principal office is located in the City of New York.
Section 10.2 Variation by Agreement. The parties to any dispute required or permitted to be resolved by arbitration pursuant to the terms of the Condominium Documents may by written agreement, vary any of the terms of Section 10.1 hereof with respect to the arbitration of such dispute or may agree to resolve their dispute in any manner, including, without limitation, the manner set forth in Section 3031 of the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules and known as “New York Simplified Procedure for Court Determination of Disputes.”
Section 10.3 Binding Effect. The decision in any arbitration conducted pursuant to the terms of Sections 10.1 and 10.2 hereof shall be binding upon all of the parties thereto and may be entered in any court of appropriate jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, any arbitration held pursuant to the terms of the Condominium Documents with respect to a matter that arose prior to the first annual meeting of all Unit Owners held pursuant to the terms of Section 4.1 hereof shall be non-binding.
Section 10.4 Costs and Expenses. (A) The fees, costs and expenses of the arbitrator shall be borne by the losing party in the arbitration or, if the position of neither party to the dispute shall be substantially upheld by the arbitrator, such fees, costs and expenses shall be borne equally by the disputants. Each disputant shall also bear the fees and expenses of his or her counsel and expert witnesses.
(B) All costs and expenses paid or incurred by the Condominium Board in connection with any arbitration held hereunder, including without limitation, the fees and expenses of counsel and expert witnesses, shall constitute Common Expenses.
Article 11
Section 11.1 General. All notices required or desired to be given hereunder shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid addressed:
(i) if to the Condominium Board, to the Condominium Board at its principal office as set forth in Section 1.5 hereof, with a photocopy sent to the Managing Agent (if any) at its principal office address as aforesaid;
(ii) if to a Unit Owner other than Sponsor or its designee, to such Unit Owner at his or her address at the Property;
(iii) if to Sponsor or its designee, to Sponsor or such designee, at 791 East 139th Street, Bronx, New York 10454; or
(iv) if to a Permitted Mortgagee, to such Permitted Mortgagee at its latest address designated in writing to the Condominium Board. Any of the foregoing parties may change the address to which notices are to be sent, or may designate additional addresses for the giving of notice, by sending written notice to the other parties as aforesaid. All notices sent pursuant to the term of this Section 11.1 shall be deemed given when deposited in a United States Postal Service depository located in the State of New York enclosed in a sealed, postage prepaid wrapper, provided, however, that notices of change of address, notices designating additional addresses and notices deposited in a United States Postal Service depository located outside of the State of New York shall be deemed to have been given when received.
Section 11.2 Waiver of Service of Notice. Whenever any notice is required to be given by Law or pursuant to the terms of the Condominium Documents, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the Person or Persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed the equivalent thereof.
Article 12
Amendments to By-Laws
Section 12.1 General. (A) Subject to the terms of paragraph (B) hereof and subject, further, to any provisions contained in the Declaration or these By-Laws with respect to any amendments (hereinafter referred to as “Special Amendments”) affecting or in favor of Sponsor or its designee, any Unsold Unit(s), and/or any Permitted Mortgagee, any provision of these By-Laws may be amended, modified, added to, or deleted by the affirmative vote of not less than 66 2/3% in number and aggregate Common Interests or all Unit Owners either taken at a duly constituted meeting thereof or given in writing without a meeting as provided in Section 4.10 hereof. Each duly adopted amendment, modification, addition, or deletion hereof or hereto shall be effectuated in an instrument executed and recorded in the Register’s Office by or on behalf of the Condominium Board as attorney-in-fact of all Unit Owners, which power-of-attorney shall be deemed irrevocable and coupled with an interest. Attached to each such instrument shall be an original, executed Secretary’s certification, certifying that the requisite number and percentage of Unit Owners approved the amendment, modification, addition, or deletion set forth therein either at a duly constituted meeting of Unit Owners or in writing without a meeting pursuant to the terms of Section 4.10 hereof, in which Secretary’s Certification there shall be described the number and percentage of Unit Owners approving the same and, if voted at a meeting, the date, time and place of such meeting. No such amendment, modification, addition, or deletion shall be effective unless and until such an instrument shall be duly recorded in the Register’s office.
(B) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in paragraph (A) hereof, but still subject to any provision contained in the Declaration or these By-Laws with respect to Special Amendments:
(i) the provisions of the By-Laws relating to the use of Units or the Common Interest appurtenant to or Contributing Share allocated to any Unit, as set forth in the Declaration, shall not be altered without the consent of the Unit Owner thereof, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (E) of Section 5.5 hereof;
(ii) no amendment, modification, addition, or deletion agreed to pursuant to the terms of paragraph (A) hereof shall be effective without the prior written consent of the Mortgage Representatives, if any, provided, however, that no such consent shall be unreasonably withheld or delayed; and
(iii) the terms of Section 5.7 hereof may not be amended, modified, added to, or deleted unless (in addition to the consent, if required, of the Mortgage Representatives as provided above) not less than eighty percent in number and in aggregate Common Interests of all Unit Owners affected thereby shall approve such amendment, modification, addition, or deletion in writing.
Section 12.2 Special Amendments. (A) Any amendment, modification, addition, or deletion of or to any of the provisions of these By-Laws that, pursuant to the terms of the Declaration or these By-Laws, may be effected by Sponsor or its designee without the consent of the Condominium Board or the Unit Owners shall be embodied in an instrument executed and recorded in the Register’s Office by Sponsor or such designee as attorney-in-fact of both the Condominium Board and all Unit Owners, which power-of-attorney shall be deemed to be irrevocable and coupled with an interest. Attached to each such instrument shall be an original, executed Certification by Sponsor or such designee, certifying that the amendment, modification, addition, or deletion set forth therein was effectuated by Sponsor or such designee pursuant to the terms of the Declaration and/or these By-Laws, in which Certification there shall be set forth in the Article and/or Section of the Declaration or these By-Laws pursuant to which the same was effectuated. No such amendment, modification, addition, or deletion shall be effective unless and until such an instrument shall be duly recorded in the Register’s Office.
(B) Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, no amendment, modification, addition, or deletion of or to these By-Laws or the Rules and Regulations of the Condominium shall be effective in any respect against Sponsor or Sponsordesignee, any Unsold Unit, or the holder of any present or future mortgage, pledge, lien, or security agreement covering any Unsold Unit, unless and until Sponsor, Sponsor-designee, and/or such holder (as the case may be) shall consent to the same in writing.
(C) Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, no amendment, modification, addition or deletion of or to Section 5.4 or 5.5, paragraph (B) of Section 6.2, subparagraph (iv) or (v) of paragraph (B) of Section 7.5, or Article 8 hereof shall be effective with respect to the holder of any Permitted Mortgage theretofore made unless and until such Permitted Mortgagee shall have given its written consent thereto.
Article 13
Further Assurances
Section 13.1 General. Any Person that is subject to the terms of these By-Laws, whether such Person is a Unit owner, a lessee or sublessee of a Unit Owner, an occupant of a Unit, a member of the Condominium Board, an officer of the Condominium, or otherwise, shall, at the expense of any other Person requesting the same, execute, acknowledge and deliver to such other Person such instruments, in addition to those specifically provided for herein, and take such other action as such other Person may reasonably request in order either to effectuate the provisions of these By-Laws or any transacition contemplated herein or to confirm or perfect any right to be created or transferred hereunder or pursuant to any such transaution.
Section 13.2 Failure to Deliver or Act. (A) If any Unit Owner or other Person that is subject to the terms of these ByLaws fails to execute, acknowledge, or deliver any instrument, or fails or refuses, within ten days after request therefor, to take any action that such Unit Owner or Person is required to execute, acknowledge and deliver or to take pursuant to these By-Laws, then the Condominium Board is hereby authorized, as attorney-in-fact for such Unit Owner or other Person, coupled with an interest, to execute, acknowledge and deliver such instrument, or to take such action, in the name of such Unit owner or other Person, and such document or action shall be binding on such Unit Owner or other Person.
(B) If the Condominium Board, any Unit Owner, or other Person that is subject to the terms of these By-Laws fails to execute, acknowledge, or deliver any instrument, or fails or refuses, within ten days after request therefor, to take any action that the Condominium Board, such Unit Owner, or Person is required to execute, acknowledge and deliver or to take pursuant to these By-Laws at the request of Sponsor, then Sponsor is hereby authorized, as attorney-in-fact for the Condominium Board, such Unit Owner, or other Person, coupled with an interest, to execute, acknowledge and deliver such instrument, or to take such action, in the name of the condominium Board, such Unit Owner, or other Person, and such document or action shall be binding on the Condominium Board, such Unit Owner, or other Person.
Article 14
Section 14.1 Inspection of Documents. Copies of the Declaration, these By-Laws, the Rules and Regulations and the Floor Plans, as the same may be amended from time to time, shall be maintained at the office of the Condominium Board and shall be available for inspection by Unit Owners and their authorized agents during reasonable business hours.
Section 14.2 Waiver. No provision contained in these ByLaws shall be deemed to have been abrogated or waived by reason of any failure to enforce the same, regardless of the number of violations or breaches that may occur.
Section 14.3 Conflicts. In the event that any provision of these By-Laws or of the Rules and Regulations shall be construed to be inconsistent with any provision of the Declaration or of the Condominium Act, the provision contained in the Declaration or in the Condominium Act shall control.
Section 14.4 Severability. If any provision of these ByLaws is invalid or unenforceable as against any Person or under certain circumstances, the remainder of these By-Laws and the applicability of such provision to other Persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Each provision of these By-Laws shall, except as otherwise provided herein, be valid and enforced to the fullest extent provided by Law.
Section 14.5 Successors and Assigns. The rights and/or obligations of Sponsor as set forth herein shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, any successor or assignee of Sponsor or, with the consent of Sponsor, any transferee of all of the then Unsold Units.
Section 14.6 Gender. A reference in these By-Laws to any one gender, masculine, feminine, or neuter, includes the other two, and the singular includes the plural, and vice-versa, unless the context otherwise requires.
Section 14.7 Captions. The index hereof and the captions herein inserted are included only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit, or describe the scope of these By-Laws or the intent of any provision hereof.
Section 14.8 Real Estate Tax Assessments. Real estate tax assessments against each Unit may be appealed by the owner of such Unit. The Condominium Board, may, at its option, appeal the real estate assessments against one or more Units.