To email us please use the form below.
To contact the Board and building manager via email with any comments, concerns or suggestions please use the form below.
We will do our best to respond in a timely fashion.
Useful phone numbers
Shamim Kahn
Building Superintendent
917 428 7373
ABC Realty
152 West 57th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10019
212 307 0500 phone
212 586 2489 fax
Ralph Davis
Managing Agent
212 307 0500 ext. 230
Theresa O’Neal
Assistant to Ralph Davis
212 307 0500 ext. 225
Lynne Cassouto
Accounting Department
212 307 0500 ext. 218
Debbie Sklar
Accounting Department
212 307 0500 ext. 212
ABC Realty 24/7 Emergency Number
In an emergency, call 212 484 2286. When the operator answers, describe the problem briefly and leave a number where you can be reached. The operator will relay your message to the appropriate person. Please use this number only in the event of an emergency. A fire or robbery should be reported first to city authorities by calling 911.